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Final CoD goals before Ghosts?

Discussion in 'Call of Duty & FPS News and Discussion' started by PSIII, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. PSIII

    PSIII The Real West Don. (Super Moderator)
    Staff Member

    May 4, 2012
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    Anyone been using the final days before Ghosts to wrap up any benchmarks aimed for in the other games (primarily MW3 and BO2)?

    For me, since I quit playing BO2 the month it came out, I never made any real goals for it. After a bit, I decided to say screw it and reset my stats (didn't even prestige once) and go for KD (and SPM, I guess). I would just make sure I eventually got to rank 55 again. I finally hit it a month ago, so I felt satisfied enough. But with the Nuclear I got recently, I can officially say it's wrapped up for me.

    As for MW3, been playing it a lot ever since I got back into it several months ago. I had three main goals. Gold the weapons I wanted (all assault rifles, five submachine guns, three sniper rifles, and three shotguns), get my TDM KD to 2.00+ (been working on it for a long time, I play like a 4+ now), and fill the vault up with MOABs. After those, I've been working on whatever challenges I feel like, just to get the callsign/emblem. I've done my main ones. I decided to maybe gold at least one light machine gun (the L86), but for the most part, I'm done with the game. Lots of people are eager to move away from BO2, but even if Ghosts turns out to be not that great, I don't see much of a reason to go back to MW3 any more. For sure, it'll be dead. I'll probably do some throwback sessions like BO, but nothing else.
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  2. Wartyger

    Wartyger Moderator
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    Oct 12, 2012
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    I've done everything I wanted to do with CoD:BO2. My only goal was to have fun, so mission accomplished. I'm going to stop playing CoD:BO2 now. I'll play something else to occupy my time in the days left before CoD:G is released...
  3. PSIII

    PSIII The Real West Don. (Super Moderator)
    Staff Member

    May 4, 2012
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    Yeah, only reason I'm playing MW3 now is so I don't have to go in the next game cold.
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  4. Strange Koolaid

    Strange Koolaid Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Was shooting for Return To Sender card awhile back. Someone revealed it will take like 25 instances of tossing back grenades....Got discouraged. I think I forgot about it. So I will try again today.


    And after an hour of Danger Close, Fast hands, and Scav I incidentally earned this instead after throwing a grenade prone(?):

  5. Wartyger

    Wartyger Moderator
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    Oct 12, 2012
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    I totally understand where you're coming from. Playing MW3 now, will make adjusting to CoD:G a smoother transition. IW and Treyarch CoD games have a different feeling to how they play, so playing the last IW CoD game now makes sense...
  6. Aldo215

    Aldo215 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2012
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    Best way to get Return to Sender is equip the frag grenade but before you throw it at your intended target, drop the frag then pick it up and throw it. This counts as a thrown back grenade! Hope this helps!
  7. Strange Koolaid

    Strange Koolaid Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Yup, got some tips awhile back. Completed! Twas fun.
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  8. Futurelly

    Futurelly Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I was trying for diamond camos

    But I was like "Phuck it" and quit.

    Now, I only play Black Ops 2 so I won't be rusty (in general) when I play Ghosts.
  9. Sulq

    Sulq Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    I'm exactly the same way. Well I'm gonna play today and tomorrow at least, so I'm not too rusty.

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