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Something that isn't explained on the show

Discussion in 'Episode 615 - East' started by Whatatwist, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Whatatwist

    Whatatwist New Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    I was just watching this episode when I just realized something when Carol came across those other Saviors. How did the original Alexanderites not know about either the Hilltop or the Saviors? Deanna was sending out search parties regularly outside of their compound to look for other survivors. She even has a dedicated team for it. We know that a rather large Savior compound lies west of Alexandria, and again there seem to be more Saviors just east of Alexandria. The Saviors even seem to know where Alexandria is. There are also Wolves roaming around somewhere nearby in addition to the Hilltop people. I'm not sure where the Hilltop is located, but overall it seems like they were absolutely surrounded by large groups of other survivors that have already established themselves in the area. Was Aaron really that bad at his job to not notice these large groups of people? What are your thoughts?
  2. Brain Smoker

    Brain Smoker New Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Long time lurker that had to create an account in order to reply to this thread. I've seen many like it and they drive me nuts. Though, this OP isn't griping so I will cut them some slack.

    The sense of this that I take and that I think we are meant to take from the show is that these different outposts are far from each other. They aren't in the same town/city, etc. Though that's just my impression, we do get some tangible proof of this when Jesus says he can take Rick to the Hilltop "in a day." Do you know how far you can drive in a day? Far. Assuming even that he meant 19 hours not 24, that you need 2 hours of potty breaks and that it takes you twice as long to get anywhere because you have to avoid major roads and heavily populated areas, you could still probably travel a good 400 to 600 miles in a day provided a 40 mph rate of speed. In other words, roughly the distance from Buffalo NY to Charlotte NC (for general comparison sake).

    I don't think its a situation where everyone is like "oh hell, I never saw your community on the other side of that mountain. How 'bout that."
    #2 Brain Smoker, Mar 31, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
  3. Chief Brody

    Chief Brody Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Many things just happen that don't get explained or what appear to not make sense that make us question things..... Such as what happened to Dale's canoe on the Rv's roof , it was there when they left the CDC but when they stopped on the Highway in the next episode it was gone...How can the group shoot a gun that doesn't have sights and successfully do a head shot on a walker 50 feet away... In the last episode while on the RR tracks Rosita pointed out the spot where the good doctor was killed, but there was no body, Did they come back and get it..... We didn't see it I'm assuming they did... It's a TV show meant to entertain us , It's in no way an instruction manual for what to do when or if it should ever happen in real life...
  4. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    they buried Denise. They showed Daryl burying her in the safe zone.
  5. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I think you're over estimating the distances, but essentially you are correct. People don't seem to understand geometry. It took them the better part of a day to arrive at Hilltop. In our world that could be 700 miles or more. As you stated, they are travelling mostly by backroads, and in addition, they are constantly slowing down to a crawl while they wind through abandoned vehicles, move downed tree branches, etc. So maybe a day's travel would be more like 100 to 200 miles. If we say only 100 miles between Hilltop/Alexandria/Saviors then the area of the circle that exists between them, with each community out at the edge of the circle, would be over 7,500 square miles.

    A = Pi*r^2
    A = 3.14*50^2
    A = 7,500+

    Its really not surprising that some fairly rare, small communities, scattered over 7,500 square miles of land, took a year or two to find each other. And the Hilltop DID already find some of them. Its even less surprising when you realize that most of these communities didn't exist in their current form immediately. The saviors didn't pop up 2 days after the ZA outbreak in their current form, already organized with patrols that ranged over 100 miles out from their base lol. These groups took time to form, organize, and grow. Its totally reasonable that at first, they all stayed relatively close to home for most of their scavenging, with rarer trips farther out to explore.

    So Jesus runs all around, Aaron/Eric ran all around, Heath ran around sometimes. If anything, it would have been less believable that they found each other earlier. 7,500 square miles. The entire state of Rhode Island is about 1,200 square miles. So we are talking about a roaming area of close to 7 states of Rhode Island, hiding a handful of communities, the biggest one we know of so far less than the size of a cornfield, and the Hilltop being perhaps one acre of land, in a wooded area. Of course many of them would take years to find each other.

    The Saviors have expanded more into our area recently. Once they have a run-in with our group the first time, they smell people around. So more Saviors hang in the area. So we run into them more. Now they've discovered Alexandria. All very reasonable. Seven states of Rhode Island.
    #5 Neuropyramidal, Mar 31, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
  6. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    It depends on the thread you're posting on.

    If it's a thread about how big of a threat the Saviors are to the ASZ, you'll find it's shocking that the Saviors didn't find the ASZ a long time ago, and most certainly would have found them very soon, making them a significant risk that mandates an immediate bloodbath.

    You start a thread asking why weren't they found already, and you'll find it's amazing they were found at all.

    Who knows what the real "truth" of the situation would be if it was IRL?
  7. hcopenhagenh

    hcopenhagenh Active Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    So where are they getting the fuel from for these long road trips?
  8. hcopenhagenh

    hcopenhagenh Active Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    I think the biggest problem this season has been BAD story telling.

    Episode 1 with the flashback crap was bad. I liked the show, but story telling was given up for artsy fartsy bullcrap.

    What happened to Rick when he was in the RV and surrounded by Zombies? All of the sudden he appears in Alexandria.

    The Morgan Episode was bad story telling. You mean to tell me that is why Morgan ended up the way he was? Just a bad story and was poorly told.

    Horrible job of telling the story of the wolves. I was left wanting much more than what they gave me. All this build up and they were wiped out in an episode.

    Horrible Job of telling the story of Carol this season.

    The Mid Season Premier again was horribly done. Day to night in a commercial break. That wasn't the only thing wrong with that episode.

    It seems to me all around the show is missing stories within stories which has always made this program stand above others.
  9. br0k3n

    br0k3n Member

    Feb 29, 2016
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  10. Zalanii

    Zalanii Member

    Sep 21, 2015
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    I've lived in my city for 7 years, which has a metro size of 5,905.71 km[SUP]2[/SUP](2,280.21 sq mi)
    There's still places I have never been, I have no reason to go, so I've never been past it.

    Is it unrealistic that I have never seen or met some neighbourhood in my city?
    No of course not.

    So why is it unreasonable for a handful of tiny communities within a year and half to not run into each other?

    I mean really guys...
  11. BITEcrimeGRIMES

    Apr 1, 2014
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  12. mfinley

    mfinley Member

    Mar 25, 2013
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    Because you have groups who are actively seeking and searching for others. If you're devoting yourself full time to finding others you know your area, you recognize changes in it, tire tracks that weren't there before. You see smoke for fires off in the distance, you hear gun shots and go investigate.
  13. Blueman

    Blueman Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    IIRC, Aiden/Nicholas told Glenn during their first trip outside ASZ that they had cleared an area of radius 50 miles.
    So, it is clear that Hilltop is not within this area.
    Additionally, unless the Saviours moved recently into the area, they are also out of this area as well.
    (Of course, this assumes Aiden/Nicholas did really clear that area.)
  14. BigBlue

    BigBlue Member

    Mar 16, 2016
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    This^ and what others have posted.

    Think about how far this group has traveled (all of them) and think about how many living people they've encountered. Considering the time and distance, they've barely seen a living sole once in a blue moon. :)

    As far as The Saviors knowing where Alexandria is located, that only happened recently because of their chance encounters. If Negan's people had already known of Alexandria, this season would've been completely different. If the Hilltop folks had known about Alexandria, ditto. Alexandria would have been bowing to Negan before Rick and Co. ever arrived.

    It's a large world with a small amount of living left.....
  15. Mineral X

    Mineral X New Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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  16. Mineral X

    Mineral X New Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    How could this be true if Hilltop is said to be approximately 23 miles away?

  17. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I believe Aiden and Nicholas said they had explored a semicircle with a radius of 50 miles. Functionally, this is very unlikely though. Consider the area of a circle, Pi*r^2. That's 2500 times 3.14 or over 7,500 square miles. Just under 4,000 if it was a half circle. That's over 3 times the size of the state of Rhode Island. So unless a handful of boobs [ahhhh, a handful of I know what to ask for in my stocking] were able to clear an area multiple times that of Rhone Island state and manage to find every 1.5 acre patch of walled-in land in every woods, then I think its safe to say Nicholas and Aiden missed it. :p

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