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Crazy Troy

Discussion in 'Episode 312 - Brother's Keeper' started by Dnae, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. Dnae

    Dnae Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
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    I LOVE Crazy Troy - talk about a character that brings the creep factor up a notch or two.

    Daniel Sharman is the actor who was given the task of bringing crazy Troy to life. Kudos to Mr. Sharman for a perfect take on what it might look like to slowly lose your sanity during the end of the world.

    So...Troy. And Nick. Does Nick bring Troy back to the ranch with him? Assuming of course that they are able to devise a plan to redirect that massive herd.

    If Nick brings Troy back with him what will that look like? Alicia was not able to keep it from Ofelia and Lee that he and Jake left the ranch to find Troy. Ofelia and Lee, along with Taqa, do not trust Troy as far as they can throw him

    How does the relationship with Troy affect Nick? Ofelia believes that Nick is the best choice to lead the community because people on both sides (the ranch and the black hat residents) trust Nick. If Troy returns with Nick and now a dead Jake, will that trust be shattered? I would think that most would question Nick's judgement at that point.

    And what of Madison? She was the one who wanted him exiled and now it seems that Nick will be bringing him back into the fold. What does this mean for the dynamic between Nick and Madison?

    Oh man, and what if Daniel ends up at the ranch with Ofelia? Can just imagine the shenanigans that Daniel and Troy could get into if brought together!
  2. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    If Nick and Troy keep silent about Troy's involvement, Troy could be the hero of the ranch. It would be quite understandable that he wouldn't show up at the front gate and get shot, but wanted to talk to his brother and Nick instead. Since Troy didn't shoot Nick for killing his father, Nick might think his silence on this is a fair trade, especially if he helps divert the herd.

    I actually appreciated something Madison did for the first time in this episode in sparing Troy. She was out in the middle of nowhere, it would have been very easy for her to have shot Troy and said she didn't have a choice. But she didn't.

    If the ranchers know that Ofelia poisoned many of their members? I can't see them ever trusting her.
  3. mistertrouble189

    mistertrouble189 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
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    Troy just led the largest herd we've ever seen and used them to overrun the ranch, full of families and children. His goal was to butcher everyone, he has no full redemption. The psycho spent two days and two nights luring them to the ranch for goodness sake. He can help Nick clear out the horde (good luck), but there's no way he'll be welcome back into the community, he's already caused a death toll (Jake, Cooper, Klah & several others). Then again I have a feeling everyone in the pantry is gonna die anyway as a way to end the ranch storyline and move Alicia, Ofelia, and Lee to the dam with Nick (and Madison, Strand and Qaletaqa).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    But they don't *know* he led the horde there. All they *know* is that he came there to warn them. If Nick backs him up, he'll be a hero. If he admits he led the horde there, he'd be shot.

    I don't see how the bunker can be breached, seeing as how inside the hallway there's a vault door (that's still open). Zombies wouldn't be able to breach that, plus Nick and Troy are going to lead the herd away.

    What WOULD be interesting is if Madison and Strand came driving up in the water truck now, and saw the ranch overrun by a massive horde.
    #4 Morgotha, Sep 27, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
  5. mistertrouble189

    mistertrouble189 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
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    Some of the promo photos for 3x13 have been released and we will be seeing Madison, Strand, and Walker this episode. Not sure if they see what happens at the ranch (I'm sure they do) and well Lee, Alicia, and Ofelia have an idea that Troy probably had to do something with the horde and if Nick is gonna lie and say Troy is innocent here then that makes him a very shitty person and responsible for the deaths of many innocent people. I can't see Nick going down that route. Troy will be dying off soon and I'm glad. Great character but he can't fit in with the group anymore. I also think the bunker has a few bitten people inside it. It will cause chaos. Will make for great drama. Mark my words, more people will be dying lol.
  6. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    If the ranchers accept Ofelia walking around free as a bird after she murdered about a dozen of them, I don't know why they'd get upset about Troy. How many people did he end up killing? Probably less than her unless I missed something big in the show.
  7. mistertrouble189

    mistertrouble189 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
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    That's a valid point. They never specified how many people but counting how many backgrounders stopped appearing - a lot! Then again that was before the peace agreeement (aka Jeremiah's death) and as we saw, tensions were still high after the peace agreement with Ofelia there though the ranchers don't blame her specifically, they blamed all of the Nation.

    Anyway I just don't see how crazy murdering Troy will be accepted back into the group. Needs to be offed. Hopefully by Madison.
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