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Discuss 1119

Discussion in 'Episode 1119 - Variant' started by BlackBird, Oct 17, 2022.

  1. BlackBird

    BlackBird Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2018
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    Watching this episode I felt like the good old days of TWD have returned. Time for the characters to have more meaningful conversations, gripping story telling with plenty of suspense.

    I’m painfully aware that we might lose some of our Team Family in these final episodes, and how much I can’t bare the thought of losing any of them at this late stage. We know a handful of them are bulletproof but I want them all to survive now!

    What a wonderful episode for Rosita, she’s become my favourite female character. I really fear for her at this point, more so than Eugene, who I believe is truly indestructible. These heart-wrenching foreboding goodbye scenes are killing me.

    Talking about Eugene, I really don’t think he needs to prove his bravery anymore, he’s been brave for a very long time. I think it wasn’t necessary to refer back to the “coward phase” at this point, he can still be brave and ready to sacrifice himself for the woman he loves now, without shading his character that has been redeemed over and over again since his initial cowardice, and that murky time when he was with Negan. We know Eugene always steps up when it truly matters.

    Loved the scene with Princess and Mercer. She’s so great. Please let nothing bad happen to Princess. Mercer is bound to come good in the end, both his sister and his lover being a flaming beacon in leading him to do the right thing. We already know his heart is in the right place.

    Loved the talk between Aaron and Lydia. He could have told a different story though with a more situation to Lydia’s … how after grieving for Eric he was just about ready to move on with Jesus, and how they should have acted upon their attraction sooner, before he died. It would have been nice to hear him talk about Jesus, but it was also lovely to remember his time with Eric and Lydia got the message. Sweet young love.

    The new place they’ve found is fabulous. I’d love to live there. How they haven’t found it before though? [​IMG]And hell yeah to King Jerry. [​IMG]

    Not overtly keen on the variant walkers at this late stage in the game. It’s been ten years since Season 1 when we last saw a walker playing with a door knob and able to lift something off the ground. They should have brought these more humanlike walkers back a long time ago, not in the last minute of the show. Not like I care all that much. I mostly glaze over the walker scenes at this stage as an apparently necessary token part of TWD episodes to kill a few. Jerry though…. He was a zombie slayer on fire in this episode. So now they’ve raised the game with the walkers as well as with the human threat - hooray

    Pamela is pretty much on par with the Governor, what a sick punishment she’s dished out to Hornsby! [​IMG] Big callback to the Governor when he left a dead person in the room with Andrea who was tied to a chair, and then she had to fight him off when he reanimated. And she didn’t make it out alive from that room. Pamela is an apparently similarly twisted monster. Obviously she had something sexual going on with Hornsby too, that made this scene even more repulsive. Hopefully both of their days are numbered.

    So all hell will break loose next week with our people in grave danger from Pamela’s wrath. Time for Mercer to step up.

    Can’t believe we only have five episodes left…
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  2. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Yeah, I thought this was an interesting episode as well. In no particular order, first and foremost, I DO NOT care for the introduction of walkers who can climb walls and turn door knobs this late into the ZA. In the beginning during season one we were shown that Morgan’s wife kept trying to go home but then it would seem they got slower, dumber and true to the CDC information, the higher functions in the brain ceased to exist. Only the need to eat fueled these dead humans. At this late stage, unless someone died of a disease that left the body intact, walkers tend to tear apart any living they can get their hands on anyways. Instead of evolving they should be dissolving. How long can dead flesh stay intact on bones anyway when there’s no working circulatory or digestive systems? At least with fiction the writers should set the rules in the beginning and stick with them.

    Eugene. When you have the expectation that you will be executed, most people would go into survival mode or doubt themselves. However, Eugene came through for Max implicating only himself in an attempt to save her. True love and true courage, IMO, which he has had for awhile now since it became more important for him to save the ones he loved over himself.

    Pam. Was it a sick punishment or did it fit the crime? She seemed to know that Lance sent his covert agents to murder the workers who reanimated and eventually killed her son. Maybe her grief unhinged her a bit but if he was trying to get her attention, she most certainly got his.

    Mercer. I too believe that between his sister and his lover he’ll eventually do the right thing whatever that turns out to be.

    Important decisions, hard conversations, near mishaps and perilous times for TF now. These last few episodes will have me returning to see how they finish this up.
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  3. BlackBird

    BlackBird Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2018
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    Couldn’t agree more. It’s annoying when the goal posts keep shifting. Even if they’re pretty implausible goal posts to begin with! :D

    A sick punishment but it absolutely fit the sick crime. To kill a bunch of workers in cold blood just to use them as walkers to create mayhem was horrifying. I have no problem with Lance being locked up with Sebastian fir company for a while. It’s just a pity he’s on a leash.
  4. tsahi

    tsahi Member

    Apr 20, 2013
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    I actually like it. This show started out in 2010, on the fictional premise of a global pandemic. And then, in 2020, a real global pandemic started out. And since then, we've all became experts in R0, and variants. It is only reasonable that in order to make it more believable, they would add these elements to the show.
  5. BlackBird

    BlackBird Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2018
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    You have a point. I think what bothers me is that we had these more agile and human like walkers at the start, then they were dropped, and now they’re back again ten years on. It just seems like it was convenient to dumb them down at the time to focus more on the humans and now it was convenient to make them smarter again to add a new layer of danger. I don’t particularly care either way, to me the walkers are just metaphors, no matter how hyperactive they are. But yes, it makes sense to have variants.
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