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volume 3

Discussion in 'Volume 3: Safety Behind Bars' started by fruitfulandgay, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. and138

    and138 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Yes, I totally agree. This volume ironically titled Safety Behind Bars is where Rick (and others) lose even more of their naivete. For example, Lori tells Rick that she doesn't feel comfortable sharing the prison with the prisoners, but Rick is optimistic and wants to believe that they should be given a chance and that they're all on the same side now, humans vs. walkers. He is proven to be terribly wrong, though he made his decision for the right reasons. Also, there was already danger lurking among the group (Chris), and they brought that threat with them to the prison, so this shows that nowhere is truly safe.

    I'm seeing some patterns in this volume but am not quite sure what Kirkman is doing with them. There are two fathers who lose their children and then have to decide how to deal with the killer. There's also something dark going on with twins...

    Overall, I thought this volume was terribly bleak and I came away from it feeling gloomy.

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