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Comments on Profile Post by PepperAnn

  1. LadyGrimes
    That never happens for me so I usually get stuck taking a shower or using a netti pot.
    Jan 21, 2017
    PepperAnn likes this.
  2. PepperAnn
    NETTI POT!!! Good idea! I am clogged again and standing up did nothing. I am officially a mouth breather.
    Jan 21, 2017
    LadyGrimes likes this.
  3. LadyGrimes
    you won't like this advice but don't drink any alcohol until you clear your nose otherwise it will make it worse <3 much love :)
    Jan 21, 2017
  4. PepperAnn
    dammit. guess I should stop. :P
    Jan 21, 2017
    LadyGrimes likes this.
  5. LadyGrimes
    Hope your nose is doing better <3333333
    Jan 22, 2017
    PepperAnn likes this.
  6. Lindigo
    oh! how come i never realized that? i remember being irritated that my nose would clear when i walked from one class to another and then stuff up again when i sat down. if i had known it was standing, i could have stood in the back. i thought it was the temp difference. i have to do some experiments next time i get a cold.
    Jan 22, 2017
    PepperAnn likes this.
  7. PepperAnn
    Thanks Ricky! It got worse before it got better. I am getting better by the hour so yay!

    And yes @Lindigo....I think it has something to do with straightening the pathways? Hell I don't know., lol
    Jan 24, 2017
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