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[1004] Spoilers

Discussion in 'Episode 1003 - Ghosts' started by Neuropyramidal, Oct 24, 2019.

  1. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    So it appears that Margo is taking Sherry's death from the comics. In the comics Rick pushes her and accidentally kills her, causing some drama between him and the Saviors. On the show, Margo is the woman who screamed "The Highway Men want justice" last episode. So this will probably cause drama with the Highway Men.

    From TSDF:

    We do see Michonne and Ezekiel kiss. Michonne sees Ezekiel outside of Hilltop, riding by himself. She goes after him, and he's at the edge of some scaffolding. He's seemingly considering throwing himself off of it. Michonne talks him out of it. They share a hug, and Ezekiel kisses her, apologizes immediately after. Then they sit down and have a heart to heart on losing their partners and how hard it is to pick yourself up afterwards, where Michonne cries. After that, they have a bit of a playful banter where Michonne tells him that he's not a half-bad kisser and Ezekiel jokes that just so she knows, he's not exactly at the top of his game.

    The most prominent theme is some teenager-looking types harassing Lydia. It is implied that they are the ones responsible for the Silence The Whispers graffiti on the door of the house where she's living with Daryl. They corner Lydia in the middle of the night and actually, physically attack her, but Negan comes and pulls them off of her. There is a commotion, a guy says they were just trying to scare her, and when it's over, it turns out that Negan pushed Margo off of Lydia a little bit too hard and actually ****ing killed her!! He comes in when Margo is on top of Lydia, pulls Margo off of her and shoves her aside without looking, proceeding to interfere with the other two guys, and afterwards, we see that he shoved her so hard that she hit a wall, her back facing the wall, possibly breaking the back of her skull because there's a bunch of blood on the wall! Shit hits the fan, of course. I would say that this is the main event, there are other conflicts happening as well but nothing as major. And no Dog again, unfortunately.



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  2. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Wow. Now this is good writing.

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