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616 Last Day On Earth Live Reaction

Discussion in 'Episode 616 - Last Day on Earth' started by HondaS2kXD, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. WalkingBuckeye

    WalkingBuckeye Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    (Edited to address just my response.)

    One of the few good things about TTD was the clip w/ Josh and Michael "explaining" how they came up with Abisms: They have 2 dice, both with one curse or regular word on each side, then they throw the dice and whatever combo comes up is what Abe says. "Looks like you got 'bitch nuts,'" Josh deadpanned.
  2. Marc

    Marc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    It has taken me all day to struggle through this episode.

    "Gonna be pee pee pants city here real soon".

    Are you ****ing kidding me?

    And the numbers? How ****ing cocky they are. This is painful to watch. ****ing joke is what it is. GOD. Help me endure this pain! Give me Fear the Walking Dead where there is no Mary Sue Plot Armour DC Comics Villians.
  3. ColorsVersatile

    Mar 23, 2015
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    What about that first car of Saviors Carol killed Terminator style?

    Maybe they were supposed to lure them out by capturing one of ASZ resident or something... ?
  4. Poison Breed

    Poison Breed New Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    You know that line is straight out of the comic right? And it says you read the comic....guess you really dont?
  5. Marc

    Marc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    And I never said I liked that part of Negan either. I hoped they would leave his more childish lines out. Or do you like his "****ity" lines? You really think they for example do the concubine part? With how feminists and Social just movements cannot keep out of fiction, I think that part will be cut out. But his silly lines are just ehh...I don't know.
  6. goalie

    goalie New Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Unlike the epic lack of planning and good tactics that is Team Rick, the Saviors apparently do recon, and use their comm effectively.

    Not turning around, going back to Alexandria, and bailing out of Alexandria after seeing the second road-black is epic stupid. Typical Rick leadership, but stupid.

    The problem is, a show that doesn't have the characters doing tactically unsound stuff all the time won't have any drama or surprises. So, we get the doctor killed by a crossbow bolt while three characters, two of whom are allegedly experts at z-poc survival, are walking down a rail line talking loudly instead of moving like you would on patrol and being quiet.

    I actually liked seeing the Saviors execute something that actually appeared to be a well thought-out plan. Team Rick should try it sometime......
  7. Marc

    Marc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Well it is easy to execute good plans when the "Dungeon Master" is on your side or you are the Dungeon master. It was really far fetched what they pulled off and Rick and the gang did have solid plans but now they where suddenly not trigger happy or planing at all. And the Saviours used their spy satellite finally. I say, this was all to force plot.

    You can force plot without doing things like this. This was just to much this whole episode.

    People said Negan can pull off shit like this cause he kept the zone walker free. I just saw a top 10 TWD facts videon on youtube. 5000 to 1 zombies...Yeah. They said in all season they killed 768 walkers, I presume this is before Season 6 herd killing. Negan is not likely to kill this many with his group.
  8. TDogResurrected

    TDogResurrected Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    What happened in the season finally that the audience didn't already know was going to happen? NOTHING!!! Negan is revealed, Negan kills "someone". BOOM 90 minute season finale IN 6 F*CKING WORDS!!! ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME? Might be a series finale for me...
  9. goalie

    goalie New Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    It isn't that far-fetched. The guys Seal Team Carol killed with the sleeve gun knew EXACTLY how far it was to Alexandria. For all we know, they have eyes on the objective 24/7. Like people with training would do.

    I do know this: when I was in the Marines, we damn sure didn't go running around like Rick and gang did when they attacked the compound where Negan's men (and women) were without knowing ANYTHING about the force they were attacking. A few days recon and you see how many are going in and out, guard rotation schedule, what primary arms are carried etc..

    I get that screwups are needed to create plot drama, but it gets old watching a group that has survived the Z-poc now for so long doing the same stupid stuff over and over and over.
  10. Marc

    Marc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Well the thing is, THIS ENORMOUS ****ING group of Negans would been noticed long ago, Aaron would have seen em. Negan nor Rick is Marines. I still call BS on how he knew every single move. I still jokingly say he either had a spy satellite or a oracle.

    And It is not likely that ALL OF NEGANS people would have training. Hell, Negan himself is probably some punk ass loser biker who bullied and robbed people. He is no marines or Delta Force or anything.

    EDIT: Yes it is very lame how they step in the same traps or do stupid things over and over! It is also boring to see such inconsistency with Negans men going from incompetent to competen in 1 episode.
  11. goalie

    goalie New Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I agree. When Darryl first "saved" Dwight, he was about useless in the woods. Then, he and his crew are ninjas in the woods and sneak up on everyone and capture them.

    It all seems, well, lazy to me.
  12. w3stoner

    w3stoner New Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    So much this!! So clear that they should turn around... how could they (Rick & co.) NOT realize that Alexandria was had?

  13. Kilroy was here

    Kilroy was here Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2014
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