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[813] Complaints and Cricket-poos.

Discussion in 'Episode 813 - Do Not Send Us Astray' started by Neuropyramidal, Mar 25, 2018.

  1. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Just kidding around bud, no harm intended and no offense taken.
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  2. GrungeMan

    GrungeMan Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Sorry if I am just repeating a lot of what has been said, but I want to air out some frustrations with this episode, as there was too much ridiculousness that not even I could overlook - and I usually try to be rather forgiving...


    - I am tired of the show propping up background characters in a last-ditch and half-hearted effort for us to care about them before they die in the very same episode in which they get substantial dialogue (e.g. Tobin).. It's a trite and exhausted practice that has been done to death. This episode had a real chance to raise the stakes and actually kill off a main cast member and have that character roam around killing extras.. The main reason I would prefer this is because I think the show needs to caul it's cast dramatically and there are a good 3-4 supporting characters that could easily be on the chopping block.

    - I am not particularly happy about Tara taking Rick's comic scene. I am not exactly sure why Tara was seen as a better served character for this scene on television. The last scene following the revelation about the infected weapons lacked real impact. I actually think Tara had great dialogue and was not bothered by her this episode, but I guess I just do not care anymore about anything that happens to her. Felt very disappointing that she would be given this rather memorable comic scene.

    - I hate Henry. I am usually defensive of young actors/characters because kids generally do stupid things in real life, but
    1) Henry is just a weak NuCarl who perpetually reminds me of the shows biggest mistake to date - I can't look at him and not think about Carl's death.
    2) What the hell purpose does he serve? Like is he meant to further develop Morgan and Carol? Because it's pretty redundant development.

    Henry's scene at the prison pen was a disaster. The show could have easily written:

    Pen guard hears a scream from infirmary (this coincides with lady doctors death) and leaves pen unintended. Henry emerges from shadowy area as Gregory and others awaken from the scream. Henry accosts Gregory and the dialogue is roughly the same as in the episode with Alden actually having a genuine empathetic impact on Henry by talking about his older brother... Jared makes a smart-ass remark and Henry threatens to kill him. Immediately after the sick savior turns and bites another no-name savior, catching everyone by surprise. The imprisoned saviors panic and Alden (having somewhat gained Henry's trust through bonding) is attacked and arm and arm with another walker. Henry opens the gate to help Alden, but is bummed rushed by Jared and others - who rush off (Jared with Henry's gun). Alden breaks free and tells Henry they have to get the gate closed. Some distractions occurs and when Alden looks back for Henry, he's gone.

    I am not implying I could write for the Walking Dead (I did very poorly in English/Language Arts as a kid), but I am just saying that this writing can be so disappointing that any one of us could take a moment to inject some realism into the scene and make it better... TWD writing room desperately needs some quality control and review.
  3. GrungeMan

    GrungeMan Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    - How the hell does NO ONE hear a walker falling down the stairs?

    - How the hell are there no guards posted following a major battle with the Saviors?

    - How the hell is EVERYONE asleep after such a traumatizing experience battling the Saviors? Most of these people are not hardened warriors and some of them (e.g. Kingdommers) only recently (like a month or so) became aware that the Saviors exist. I am supposed to believe that not one person is up and alert with insomnia? The big slumber party vibe was just too silly.

    - How the hell do these stealth walkers keep getting the jump on people?

    A better scene with Tobin turning could have stayed mostly the same, but instead of the first man leaving to get some supplies for the second man, this dude could have stayed by bedside talking to his friend as Tobin rises in the background. The first man hears Tobin behind him and asks shadowy Tobin if he needs anything not realizing he is a walker, and eventually asking if he's okay when Tobin doesn't respond. Then Tobin lunges forward biting his neck. This accomplishes the same thing without a 6'3'' tall, dead ninja Tobin..

    It's not like the show needs to change it's scenes dramatically, they just need to change how those scenes come about naturally. The whole concept of the injured people turning overnight and attacking their own is GREAT, but wow was this botched. For example, why have someone fall down the stairs when they could just wake up next to someone and bite out their throat - this achieves the same thing without being stupid. The staircase scene is so comically unnecessary.

    Why not show 5 walkers quietly standing over a sleeping group, uninitiated by stimuli until some wakes up and one attacks? That imagery would have been real tense and haunting...

    Sometimes I feel like the show just doesn't care sometimes and it's just real disappointing..
  4. GrungeMan

    GrungeMan Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Oh and I almost forgot:

    I am really perturbed by the way Jesus has been casted aside since episode 8. It's been five episodes and Jesus is unceremoniously brought back in 8x13 with like one line of dialogue...

    Did Tom Payne have an extenuating circumstance preventing him from filming? If so, then that is understandable, but otherwise this is a gross misuse of a fan favorite (imo)!

    Jesus' scouting run was so inconsequential and meaningless... Just... more disappointment.

    @Dnae I sympathize with you during this Jesus drought! It's awful..
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  5. PepperAnn

    PepperAnn Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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  6. PepperAnn

    PepperAnn Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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  7. PepperAnn

    PepperAnn Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    Yeah I felt like saying that twice. (WTH lol)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. GrungeMan

    GrungeMan Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Yeah, haha!! This is my favorite show, so I get increasingly more frustrated with episodes like these...

    I've actually gotten to a point where I think a lot of the execs, writers, etc. are just relying on the success of the "brand" and have gotten comfortable not really trying to put the same level of quality into their work as they did in earlier seasons... Couple this with how cheap AMC is and I really wonder about what shape this show is going to be in come season 9, 10, etc...
    #28 GrungeMan, Mar 28, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Dnae

    Dnae Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Toothpick

    Toothpick Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    why was the doctor/ nurse/ elderly candy striper being such a biatch to Siddiq? was it because of Carl? she was in hilltop and couldnt hae known carl very well, so why the attitude? it was unecessary.
  11. PepperAnn

    PepperAnn Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    I loved her sass. I think she’s just a sassy gal. :p
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Dnae

    Dnae Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
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    Dat's cuz you iz a sassy gal!
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  13. Jen7

    Jen7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2013
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    Me too - plus she had to make sure Siddiq could handle the job!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. OggleBox

    OggleBox New Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    I was outraged, personally, that they didn't stick with the original sound recording!


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