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A bit of an mistake with this episode.

Discussion in 'Episode 207 - Pretty Much Dead Already' started by rdrr, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. fatbrett2

    fatbrett2 Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I'm not saying it is 100%, but the sound is a lot like a shell casing and the exact same mistake has been made in a number of movies. There have also been plenty of similar, but not quite identical, goofs - in Indiana Jones, he fires his revolver until it is dry, breaks it open, and puts new rounds in the chambers without removing the spent shell casings.
  2. buffy861

    buffy861 Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I was wondering that too! They mentioned how, in season one, they didn't show the actually shooting of the gun and Addy (I think that was the name of the little girl who played the walker) in the same shot. And yet, they showed Madison and Andrew shooting the gun in the same shot.

  3. Mark O.

    Mark O. Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    It sure sounds like a casing hitting the ground to me...and I agree it sounds like hitting a hard floor, not that makes it a real double action fail!

    I imagine these canned sounds that the sound engineers use come from some kind of catalog... Another common sound blooper I've noticed over the years is the sound of stretching tires on payment...when the car is actually on a dirt road!
  4. fatbrett2

    fatbrett2 Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Yeah, I agree on both counts. And the other big gun thing is all the unnecessary cocking of semi-auto (and sometimes full-auto) weapons. Somehow, they can pull the slide back on their pistols multiple times without any rounds being ejected, but still have the gun fire afterwards (meaning the clip isn't empty).

    And sparks from bullets, and bullets constantly going 'WHOOO' when they bounce off of stuff. And car doors stopping bullets. And bullets blowing things up. And bullets making people fly backwards.

    STRINGS Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    You know that guy was probably some hipster D-Bag that was telling his buds right before the director yelled Action, "Watch this, i'm gonna drink a double chocolate latte with extra whipped cream while they film this! This is gonna be so totally rad and hip, that I'm making these guys all look like dorks while I look all metro with my latte in hand!" ...I seriously hope he choked on it!!! :hatchet:

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