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Discussion in 'Episode 703 - The Cell' started by GrrArrg, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. GrrArrg

    GrrArrg Member

    Nov 23, 2015
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    The letter 'A' made another appearance in this episode on Daryl's pj's (?). Throwback to Terminus and the train cart? A nod to Sam's Alexandria 'A' ink stamp? Basically if you see the letter 'A' on this show, make like Dr Sattler in Jurassic Park and 'RUNNNN!'
  2. Camilleyun

    Camilleyun Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    It is also the title of one of my favorite episodes.

    I thought maybe the letter A on Daryl's suit meant he was from Alexandria, and the letters were meant to identify which community each prisoner was from, but I guess that's not the case.
  3. deadcpa

    deadcpa Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    He is the Fonz. AAAAAAAAAAAA!
  4. Chiron

    Chiron Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Just caught up on 703. Well spotted.
    A is my favourite episode.

    The Scarlett Letter - a letter of shaming.
    It was also on Gabe's church? I think painted by the Termites. Loved seeing it again.
  5. calliope

    calliope Active Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Great pickup! I didn't think of it either.

    I also think that there are parallels to Daryl's situation with Joe and the Claimers and the pressure from Negan to conform. With the Claimers, Daryl went along with the group, until he realizes in "A" what a mistake that has been. Rick calls him his brother and tells him how much he is valued. I think that has to play into his refusal to go along with Negan, even if it means his death.
  6. Chiron

    Chiron Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    It is one of the greatest scenes to me in TWD that one with Rick and Daryl when Daryl tells Ricky to wipe his face of all the blood. When I saw the A again I thought a subtle nod to Daryl being shamed for Glenn's death but usually as OP, it is a good sign to RUNNNNNNNNNNNN! Something very bad is going down soon.

    I hope Daryl is not broken into the Saviours. No.
  7. GrrArrg

    GrrArrg Member

    Nov 23, 2015
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    I may be looking into this a little too in depth but could the letter 'A' represent change somehow?

    Going back to Terminus and the train cart marked with an 'A' - Gareth said that before they were held captive and locked in the train cart they were good people. But when they finally escaped, after everything that had happened to them, they decided never to let anything like this happen again and they became 'the butchers'.

    Rick and the group went through a similar transformation after being locked in the very same train cart. And when they escaped, they too had changed. They killed the Termites without remorse because they 'had no choice'. It was 'Us or them'.

    When the surviving Termites painted the 'A' on the side of Father Gabriel's church, they further influenced the change in Rick and the group and were themselves butchered - in a house of worship no less.

    Not sure about Sam's 'A' stamp in Alexandria? Possibly signifying a change in the Alexandrian's - into the fighters they needed to become to survive in this new world? Or maybe a further change in Rick and the group having finally found a place to call home? A change for the better?

    The letter 'A' is also seen stamped on a porch stairway in Alexandria after the Wolves attack. This is when Carol starts to question her place in the world and the person she has become. Perhaps she see's herself becoming like the Wolves and the 'A' reminds her who she used to be? The letter 'A' could represent a change for the better not only for the worse.

    So given all that, could the 'A' printed on Daryl's sweater represent a further change in Daryl? Will he be broken by Negan and the Saviors and become 'the butcher'? Or will his transformation be a positive one?

    Or maybe it's just an 'A' and the 'B' and 'C' sweaters were in the wash or something :)
  8. Jama

    Jama Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Maybe it's a marker of the points system Negan has certain people on. At level "A" they're doing everything they can to torment you, punish you, break you. Then you start to conform and they bump you up to a less miserable level.

    Hell, I don't know!
  9. GrrArrg

    GrrArrg Member

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Mine too - such an awesome episode. The scene where the Claimers catch up with Rick/Carl/Michonne was so tense. I remember wondering how the hell they would get out of this one and then Rick does what he does. So satisying. I felt the same way watching the Negan scene in 701 but sadly their luck had run out and there was no escaping that one. Such a great show.
  10. Chiron

    Chiron Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Yep that's the one I forgot!

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