Battle Royale Forums

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About the future of the Forums

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by TeX, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. TeX

    TeX Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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    I know I have messages for tweet requests and questions about the administration of the forums. Right now we are planning on ways to make the site more mobile friendly. I WILL tweet the requests from our sponsored partners this week, starting tomorrow in the order they were received. We know that activity has been slow lately, and all I can say is that it goes hand in hand with the game. When the full release comes out and we have players on PC and console, I guarantee there will be a surge of membership. At that time we will review our forums, improve on certain areas, and perhaps add more staff members depending on how active the forums are. We thank all of our current members for sticking with us, and for your patience as we go through the process of making the forums a better place for everyone.
    Will keep the community updated on game and forum events as they unfold.
    Thanks again guys n gals.
    H1z1 Forum Admin

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