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Aidan and his ignorant followers

Discussion in 'Episode 512 - Remember' started by DeadDimplez23, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. DeadDimplez23

    DeadDimplez23 New Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    I knew Aidan was going to be trouble as soon as he came on the screen with that cocky smirk. Im glad he got his ass handed to him but the blatant ignorance on walkers for this new crew is sad. Do you guys think Aidan will TRY to get with Maggie to hurt Glenn? Did anyone else find it hilarious when he bragged about sweet weapons and handed them those tiny guns? Hahahaha!
  2. and138

    and138 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    His best line so far is "I know I'm a douchebag." At least he has some self-awareness.
  3. Steppin' Razor

    Feb 25, 2015
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    I'd enjoy seeing his innards get eaten.
  4. Zombie_Rhino

    Zombie_Rhino Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I doubt Maggie would have any of that at all. I took it that he was joking when he said they were getting "sweet" weapons, but perhaps not if he was not aware of the firepower that Rick's group is accustomed to.
  5. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    I thought he gave Glenn a target pistol. Something fine tuned might be a couple of grand, so it would be sweet for a handgun - for taking out a single walker. It won't let them "rock and roll" on full automatic, but how often has that been effective on the show anyway? I'm sure Glenn would have liked a *rifle* of some kind though, rather than a handgun, then even if it ran out of bullets you could still bludgeon things with it.

    On Maggie? Who knows? Doubt he'll have much luck though!
  6. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Aiden is a character designed specifically for us to hate. Part of me actually wonders if he is really not Spencer's counterpart. Deanna said her husband and her 'sons' put up the first panel. We may yet have another son to meet. Spencer was a disagreeable character too, but he was also likeable at times.
  7. ltomlinson31

    ltomlinson31 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2014
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    On eof the worst parts about Aiden is that I know quite a few people like him. Guys like him are plentiful at my age.

    I suspect that one of Deanna's sons will take

  8. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    It's weird that they'd want us to hate him though, isn't it? I mean, sure he's a jerk, but at the same time he IS going outside the walls and fighting zombies so others don't have to, even if he's currently doing a poor job. Putting himself at risk for his community doesn't make him a total jerk. Same thing with his being in the rotc. Sure, there was probably some ulterior motive for him joining, but at the same time he still was willing to fight for his country. Personally, I hope he gets "redeemed" in a later episode and not just killed off.
  9. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    He strikes me as the kind of guy who just likes the power and recognition that being a 'runner' gets him. He's an attention whore. That's why he felt the need to mention his rotc training within 10 seconds, and even inform them of his rank. And then he proceeded to go on about how all his commands must be followed to a T, and then instead of doing anything for the good of the community, he wastes time playing games with a walker and almost killing Tara. My opinion is that his willingness to go on runs doesn't necessarily make him a good person. It was just the job that he knew would make himself look important, and allow him to boss others around. Sure, the community still benefits, as sometimes good things come from selfish motives. But perhaps they will redeem him, you could be right about that. I kind of hope not though. I want to watch him die. ;)
  10. sam12six

    sam12six Member

    Mar 3, 2013
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    It appeals to an atavistic core of sadism people have. It's like Seinfeld. 98% of the show was watching a relatively normal dude dealing with people you'd want to strangle within 5 minutes of meeting.

    Imagine: You wake up one morning and take a shower. A neighbor walks into your house and starts digging through your fridge, then jumps in the shower with you to try and convince you that you should stock up on something you don't eat because he likes it. Next, your childhood BFF calls and tells you he's dating a new girl and lied and told her he's a doctor, so you'll need to answer your phone "Vanderleigh Clinic" until they break up because he gave her your number as a way to leave him messages at work. As you're combing the fridge hoping to find enough food left for breakfast, a self-righteous shrew shows up and starts lecturing you about how you shouldn't buy vinyl products because, even though no cows were hurt in the manufacture of it, cows might see it and think you're using the skin of a relative, thus getting depressed. After breakfast, an old man who found a Vanderleigh Clinic business card calls and screams in your ear that you need to do something about his ass warts.

    I know I'd be thinking shooting spree by lunch, but for TV the pleasure is watching Jerry be tortured by his life.

    Like Neuro said, doing a job that sometimes benefits people doesn't make you a beneficent person. It's like cops - There's a tiny percentage of them who want nothing more than to help people, a huge majority who just think of it as a job and a tiny percentage who take the job because they like to push people around with the weight of the government behind them. It's a stretch to see a cop bullying people just because they can't do anything about it and say he's a cop because he wants to help people.

    First, every male in the US who wants to vote is willing to serve his country. Second, again, people join rotcee for different reasons. For most, it's like being on a sports team where you get to play with guns - it's fun. For a tiny percentage, they think the armed forces are the wall that protects their family and friends and want to be a part of it. For another tiny percentage, it's a chance to swagger around campus in fatigues, cutting in line and talking shit to people, secure in the knowledge that your like minded buddies have your back if someone takes exception.

    I'd love to see that, too. I think, though, that such a heel/face turn in beyond the writers. Their bad guys wear black hats and kick puppies. Their good guys help old ladies across the street. I'd be amazed if they managed such a turn for rotcee boy in a believable manner (it worked with Merle because his little brother was firmly entrenched in the group).

    *** The black hat = bad guy thing doesn't necessarily apply to Rick and Daryl because Rick is mentally unstable and Daryl takes his cues from Rick.
  11. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    I liked your post overall, but have to take exception to this. Someone in ROTC *IS* going to be on active duty for four years (at least) after college. Believe me, when your college aged daughter joins the airforce ROTC you realize how much different that is than someone just voting. My son can vote, but he's likely not going to the Middle East in the next few years! Yes, he may just be a jerk who's doing it for his own reasons, but if he was willing to pick up a rifle and fight for his country when he didn't HAVE to, that makes him someone you should at least give some benefit of the doubt to in my book.

    Also, remember that these guys are like Season 1 people in TWD. You wouldn't want Carol on a run with you in season 1 would you? Would you now? All I'm saying is I don't think the guy's some kind of monster.

    Rick and Daryl are lead characters, and get more development time. I agree with this assessment, pretty much. Merle was given a break for some reason from the standard pattern- but then he was one of the main characters too. I don't know if the writers make everyone else a white hat/black hat out of laziness, or if they just don't have the time to develop characters only to kill them in the next episode.

    LOL, I'd still like to see less of things like Beth's singing, and more of finding out about the Governor or Gareth's mother, but I'm sure there are people out there who look forward to Beth's singing as the highlight of the show, too!
  12. Alina

    Alina Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2012
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    I want to see Daryl urinate on Aiden's back.
  13. Pogo the Possum

    Pogo the Possum Active Member

    Jul 7, 2014
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    One thing I think they missed was when Glenn put the smackdown on the jackass would have been for Abraham being seen in the background with a little smirk and that headshake.
  14. westwingnut

    westwingnut Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    Maggie had a big smile. I think Glenn had a good dose of happy fun time after that.
  15. FutureApocalyps

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Award post of the day.
  16. the walking jet

    Jan 22, 2015
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    & i knew aiden was going to be trouble as soon as he came on screen with a member's only jacket..
  17. shredorama

    shredorama Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    ^ I can't believe I didn't catch that. Wow.
  18. DeadDimplez23

    DeadDimplez23 New Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Wow i didnt even notice that! hopefully in the next episode he will come to his senses and be 'redeemed' in some sort of way but honestly i want him to fall in a ditch of walkers.
  19. the walking jet

    Jan 22, 2015
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    yeah, nothing screams dick head in 2015 quite like a members only jacket..

    i like the writer's sense of humor..
  20. and138

    and138 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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