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Are you REALLY preparing for "the End"?

Discussion in 'Zombie Survival' started by rotten taint, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. rotten taint

    rotten taint Member

    Jan 9, 2015
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    I was wondering...every time I watch TWD or read the comic I think about going out to buy Bottled water, more ammo for my Glock (yes I own one), or buying survival stuff...

    How many of you are actually preparing for the Apocalypse? If you are; tell us:

    1. Why are you getting ready?
    2. How are you getting ready?
    3. What have you bought so far?
  2. runcornwalker

    runcornwalker Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    What kind of apocalypse. A general one or a zombie one. For the record im not prepared in the slightest.
  3. br0k3n

    br0k3n Member

    Feb 29, 2016
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    Even FEMA openly advises that people should be prepared to sustain themselves for at least several days. There's just no such things as any government agency that has the manpower or supplies to "rescue" every American in some sort of national crisis.

    So big ups to @rotten taint for being self sufficient. As an instructor, I also applaud your responsible gun ownership. You are always the first responder in any situation. Love where your head is at.

    So, yes - while some may think it "fearmongering" or strange to prepare for bad times, we all remember the children's fable about the ant and the grasshopper.

    IMO anyone can start preparing, and everyone should, so that they can be in a position to take care of themselves and others. This may mean different things to different people. Geography is a consideration. What sorts of weather systems and history does your area experience? Severe storms? Fires? Floods? Earthquakes? If it's happened before, it will probably happen again.
  4. DeeLaurean

    DeeLaurean Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
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    I'm off work with sickness and diarrhoea.
    It's already the end.

    Go on without me.
  5. br0k3n

    br0k3n Member

    Feb 29, 2016
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    @DeeLaurean we shall flush 3 times in salute. Then split up your gear.

    Hope you're feeling better soon
  6. DeeLaurean

    DeeLaurean Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
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    Make sure you wash the underpants and sterilise everything.
    Don't eat the chicken pie!
    I repeat stay away from the chicken pie.
  7. Camilleyun

    Camilleyun Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I'm not exactly prepared for a full blown apocalypse, but after going through an ice storm that knocked out power for a couple weeks, I am prepared to shelter in place for several weeks. When the power went down and it was clear that it was widespread, I panicked. A sickening realization that I was completely unprepared. Now, I always keep a supply of bottled water, food, tp, medicine, kerosene, lamp oil, candles, lighters, batteries, couple cans of gas, etc...probably could make it about 3 weeks in general in terms of food and water.
    people around here now panic when a major storm is predicted...cleared shelves at the stores, long lines at the gas station and I wonder why folks don't have something in place after going through something like that so you don't have to scramble at the last minute. I decided I never want to feel that vulnerable again.

    I still need to work on completing a BOB and self defense strategies, though.
  8. Expat-N-America

    Expat-N-America Active Member

    Feb 24, 2016
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    I live in a hurricane potential zone, so we always some some supplies on hand - lots of canned food, huge amounts of bottled water, several gas canisters, batteries, candles, flashlights, etc.

    As a non religious person, Im not prepared for any kind of "apocalypse" though, like an end of the world, Jesus returning scenario where the dead rise and the beast arrives.

    Our major downfall is weapons. We have knives, axes, and underwater fishing spears. But no guns or major killing weapons.
  9. Expat-N-America

    Expat-N-America Active Member

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Plus Im saddled with small kids, so Id be screwed.

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