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Avengers endgame

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Morgotha, May 6, 2019.

  1. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    Well, I don't think I'm going to try for a detailed review for this one. It's goal was to wrap up the last movie, and tie together all the previous movies. As such there were brief snippets of a lot of characters in a lot of situations, but not enough of any character to where any of their stories became interesting, with one exception:

    Thor's storyline is great! He must have really enjoyed that roll role.

    The movie could have been an hour shorter without losing anything, a lot of time was spent with characters just staring off in to space, which is dramatic once, but not 20 times.

    Thanos did a good job, all around. The battle scene was awful, though. Again they had to show every single avenger doing something, so it was like everyone did nothing. LOL, after some time of each Avenger doing something Captain Marvel shows up and destroyed the world-destroying enemy spaceship all at once. If she would have been 5 minutes earlier she could have destroyed it *before* Thanos' army disembarked and there wouldn't have been a battle at all! She was "busy" with other things though, like she said, and you know how it is, saving some yak on a far away world is more important than dealing with the guy who intends to destroy the whole universe, so, yeah, save the yak first. Priorities.

    And Aquaman dies. Finally.

    One weird aside, the bow and arrow Avenger near the end has a scene where they show basically just his head from the side, and I couldn't help thinking, "that man has the thickest head I've ever seen!" It was like looking at ET's thick-necked brother.

    j/k on that Aquaman bit, but it would have been the highlight of the movie. ;)
    #1 Morgotha, May 6, 2019
    Last edited: May 6, 2019
  2. Jama

    Jama Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I liked End Game. Probably one of the best "franchise finale" films since LOTR: Return of the King.

    Thor's story arc in the movie was beyond epic. He was super funny, but still a badass at times, and pathetic at other times.

    They set him up perfectly for an "Asgardians of the Galaxy" movie, like what they did in the comics.
  3. Stealth

    Stealth Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    It was a good conclusion to the story. They tied some things up nicely and we had some necessary sacrifices to stop Thanos. It's very difficult to bring so many characters together and provide a satisfying ending, but they pulled it off.

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