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Discussion in 'Movies' started by TDogResurrected, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. TDogResurrected

    TDogResurrected Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Bird Box is ableist (I had to look it up, characterizes persons as defined by their disabilities and as inferior to the non-disabled) hahaha. The WHOLE movie they act like blind people dont face their problems/trials EVERYDAY and they pull it off ok. hahaha "Ohhhh no we can't see, what will we do???". Id duck tape my eyes shut and the world would be mine! (I know, I know, there are random people who try to rip off your blindfolds to force you to see the "thing"). Still, one glock 19 (id be shooting randomly at those bad people), one knife (when you run out of 9mm), a stick to feel for drop offs, and one strip of duck tape over eyes, movies over. That being seid, I liked the movie tho, good flick.

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