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Discussion in 'Episode 502 - The Hurt That Will Happen' started by Lindigo, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    This episode started off with some of the worst written dialog in both series.

    Opening scene of Victor saying If you are watching this, I am probably dead, must have been just to make us wonder if he was dead. The normal thing to do would be to leave a note for them saying he was going to visit a guy he knows who might kill him, to try to get a plane. After all, they still have paper and pencils.

    Anyone would say have said to Morgan, That dead thing is radioactive. You are going to have to take off your clothes over at the shower so I can decontaminate you. Again, stupid writing for a tiny moment of confusion for the audience on why she tells him to strip.

    Victor would have given a direct answer to Daniel's question of why are you here. Althea told me to come see you about a plane. (Also would attempt to say something mollifying along the lines of I'm really sorry I shot you. Weird times, man. I'm glad you're okay.)

    WTH would the suited woman threaten to shoot Morgan just for talking and then completely change personalities and become helpful. Just tell him every time he talks he is spewing radioactive particles at her, it that was indeed her problem. He goes right on talking when Alicia shows up.

    Why on earth did Morgan stab the walker IN THE STOMACH with his stick?

    I was a little surprised Morgan couldn't have his stick back on account of it being porous so it couldn't be decontaminated. After all, human skin is mighty porous. We have medicine patches. I can taste perfume, so I don't wear it. It makes sense to ditch it, but I was surprised.

    What book did John find after the crash?

    I liked the episode, though. Eight.
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  2. KiernansFaerie

    KiernansFaerie Active Member

    May 21, 2018
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    It was marginally better than last week, but still ....
    I don't know. If I walked up and found the bird cage and the zombies and the tarp, I'm pretty sure I'd wait around out of sight to see who shows up and what they're doing.
    Just jumping in there seemed incredibly stupid to me.
    But I find myself saying that a lot during this show.
    • Funny Funny x 2

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