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Did baggy pants hanging help create more Walkers?

Discussion in 'Episode 407 - Dead Weight' started by raven n, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Monty70

    Monty70 Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    This is absolutely true. The first thing police do when you are brought in for booking is to take your belt, or cut off the string that ties and holds up your sweat pants. (they also take your shoe strings) This is done so that the prisoner can not hang themselves, or use the string/belt as a weapon. (to choke someone)

    Anyone who patterns their fashion sense after a convict is dumb as dogshit imo. Good riddance.
  2. raven n

    raven n Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    It's amazing to me what some people see as cool or fashionable. Example:Fat girls in hip-huggers or skinny jeans (looking like the circulation has been cut off from their legs), with rolls of fat hanging over the top of their pants -as if that was attractive! And spandex should have a weight limit! AAAARGH!
    Sorry, that's just my pet peeve.
  3. Z-Man

    Z-Man Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    See, this is what I am always saying. It is not a "Ewww, look. she's gross!" thing, it is a "Does she not realize she does not fit into that?" thing. Just realize your dimensions and dress to them for Pete's sake! Overweight is not disgusting, looking like an overstuffed sausage skin is.

    I bet those that wore clothes way too small were easy pickins' too. I wonder if those shoes with the lights in them made people easy to follow, and mullets gave those in pursuit something to grab onto. Though I bet nudists were not easy prey.
  4. raven n

    raven n Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    That is exactly how I feel. Being big has never been an issue to me, just bad taste in clothes (be it color, cut or size) that makes me nuts. Queen Latifa is big, but she looks awesome because she knows what looks good on her. THAT is the kind of person I respect; not some skinny little stick insect who wears a size zero & talks crap about 'fat' people (like someone who wears a size six or greater), who I've seen talk shit outside Lane Bryant on more than one occasion (and on more than one occasion, I've seen them get their butts handed to them by the 'big' girls who happened to hear them talking trash outside Lane Bryant, too -lol).

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