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Did Rick's Group just pull a Shane with Cabin guy?

Discussion in 'Episode 307 - When the Dead Come Knocking' started by yangxai, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. skaaaa

    skaaaa Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2012
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    He doesn't have his badge. It was at the farm.
  2. Darth Los

    Darth Los Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    The difference is that Shane and Otis were on a mission together. No they hadn't known each other long but it was all good when they were surviving together in the trenches up until it was apparent that the both of them weren't going to make it. So Shane made a calculation and sacrificed the same dude who had his back a few seconds earlier, his partner! Not only that, the man who saved his ass a couple times not minutes before. And then he had the nerve to wear his clothes afterwards!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that's dirty.

    The cabin guy was some dude the group had no affiliation with. They just stumbled upon him in the middle of the woods while escaping a herd that was on their asses. Yes michonne did what she did and stabbed him in what must have been through the heart because the man didn't move or make a sound after that. So they threw a dead body out the front door as a distraction while they escaped out the back. So what? I see no moral crime here.


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