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Discussion in 'Volume 22: A New Beginning' started by jwcoombs, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. ZigZagMan40

    ZigZagMan40 Member

    May 17, 2014
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    Also the first think I thought of when we saw the "leatherfaces"

  2. Agramer

    Agramer Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    This issue was f***ing amazing. I couldn't believe those people actually dress (and obviously smell) as walkers, which is much better than version of Rick and Glenn in "Guts" and Michonne's "pet walkers". I knew there must be something bigger than talking walkers or hallucination. Too bad Dante lost two of his own, so now he has to handle himself out there... somehow. I liked the 5-step tactic in fight. Pretty smart.

    It was nice to see happy faces back at the Hilltop. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, but who knows how long will that last...

    Andrea will handle Magna's group.
  3. ZigZagMan40

    ZigZagMan40 Member

    May 17, 2014
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    Just a thought but what if the leatherfaces are from Magna's group in Richmond and they are coming for her. She originally said how it was like a prison there. They could be leading the walker herd there way on purpose. There was a giant herd when she first came about. I can't imagine another reason for them to just be walking with them like that. Not much shelter or food options.
  4. Deviancy

    Deviancy Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Leatherfaces? I like that. Hellraiser and Silence of the Lambs were the films that popped into my head when I read the latest issue, but that makes sense since Hannibal wore the cops face in Silence and Buffalo Bill was trying to make an entire bodysuit. With that being said, I like your theory that they may be from Magna's group, that would explain why they're so openly hostile.

    As for the cover of #135, I learned a long, long time ago to never trust comic book covers, they're more often than not misleading. I remember reading the X-Men back in the 80's and the covers would always just make it look like there was going to be 22 pages of total excitement, then I'd read the issue and there would be like 3 pages of excitement, if that. Well, TWD is really no different, more often than not the covers throw some readers off and make them jump to conclusions. My favorite cover, was the one where it showed the body of a guy holding a crossbow. I mean I knew it was just going to be some bad guy but it got quite a few thinking Daryl was going to make his debut in the comic.

    Sure, Kirkman considered adding Daryl to the comic, at least he said he considered it in Letter Hacks, but he later said it wouldn't be a good idea, and he was right. It is just way too late in the comic for Daryl to make any sense.
  5. Navygunz75

    Navygunz75 Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Interesting. These "learherfaces" knew enough to use the walkers to their advantage. They can walk with, and even lead small herds where they want. Just get in front and lead and they will follow wherever they want.

    I believe they lead the walkers to the barn to get the rescue crew. And then hung back while the walkers wore then down, then attack. Pretty ingenious on their part, for a bunch of psychos anyway.

    Just a thought... I wonder if they have any connection to the Saviors? Maybe this is the way they get their revenge, possibly free Negan. Probably not, but interesting to think about.
  6. Agramer

    Agramer Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    When you think about those "leatherfaces," Rick actually foreshadowed them in Issue 24 when he said...
    "We are The Walking Dead!"

  7. jwcoombs

    jwcoombs Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    LOL. Yeah, it's common knowledge that TWD covers are almost always misleading, or even outright lies. Kirkman has spoken on that topic several times, talking about how he makes covers purposely misleading to deceive fans and keep us guessing, thereby keeping the series fresh and vibrant. Not to mention, we all know Kirkman openly loves to troll his fans.

    But, rather than the covers being completely misleading or false; what he tends to do most often is create the cover of an issue to loosely show or indicate the events of the previous issue. Unless it involves a maimed character, then he will outright lie and put the character on the cover without injuries, even though the injury occurred in a previous issue. E.g.-Dale was shown in the cross-hairs on the cover of issue #65 when he died in #64, Aaron was shown arriving on the cover of #69 when he actually arrived in #68, etc.

    Another thing; concerning the bit highlighted in bold. When the cover during "Something To Fear" showed the crossbow wielding Savior; there were really no delusions amongst most fans that Daryl was being debuted in the comic. Because at this point, Kirkman had already explained that there was no room in the comic universe for Daryl, but the main reason he was opposed to his inclusion in the comic was the fact that Daryl was a character who was never supposed to exist at all, in the comic or the show. Merle Dixon, was a character specifically created for the television show; as a sort of surly-loose-canon-erratic-type, to help shake things up and bring some tension and drama to the group dynamic. But, when Merle was left on the roof in Atlanta, Kirkman realized that they needed a way to keep that character of Merle Dixon relevant in his absence, they needed to make his being left behind matter to the group and the viewers, they needed to keep him connected to the story, and most of all connected to the viewers. Otherwise, his being left behind wouldn't matter to anyone personally; and Merle would have been quickly forgotten, and no bonds would have been made between viewers and his character. So, Kirkmans solution to this problem? Create a brother for Merle Dixon, a surly, gritty, rough around the edges, erratic and violent redneck just like Merle. A brother would has been codependent on his brother for a while; someone who would be very angry at the idea of his brother being left for dead by a black man; a character who would essentially keep the idea of Merle fresh in the minds of the viewers. And so, Daryl Dixon was born, but was supposed to die in season 2. But then, a phenomenon occurred, and Daryl became an instant fan favorite, so he stayed. Kirkman feels, that the character of Daryl Dixon was completely and solely created by and for the television show; he has no place and serves no purpose in the comic. He believes that a characters that was custom tailored for television should stay there.

    Also, not for nothing; but the crossbow wielding Savior wasn't just "some bad guy"; it was Dwight. Who was a fairly important, essential, and even pivotal part of AOW. His work as a double-agent was instrumental to Rick's victory. I wouldn't call that "just some bad guy", LOL.
  8. Lxwad

    Lxwad Member

    Oct 21, 2013
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    I absolutely loved this issue! Not only was I shocked that people were in zombie suits, I'm excited by the aspect that there is possibly a new psychotic villain. Or I supposed he/them could be allies. I don't really know at this point. But a zombie suit? That is nasty. Can you imagine how bad that smells? Makes me nauseated just thinking about it.
  9. Deviancy

    Deviancy Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Oh, I totally agree that Dwight became a very, very relevant character. Not only did he become a double agent, which lead to Rick's victory but if I remember right, the arrow that went through Abraham's left eye came from Dwight's crossbow. It has been awhile since I read the issue where Abraham died, so I could be wrong.

    In short, when I said, "I knew it was just going to be some bad guy", I was bringing up my thoughts at that time, and at that time, he was just a member of the Saviors and hadn't become an essential character.
  10. Shaebaby

    Shaebaby New Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    I just finished 132. I am dying to know where Michonne is..yet at the same time I have a feeling I do. I am also very depressed every time I see Rick.
  11. pinhead

    pinhead New Member

    Oct 21, 2014
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    Yeah, same here... what happened with Michonne and where is she?
    #91 pinhead, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
  12. shanewalking

    shanewalking Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Michonne must be living with Ezequiel at The Kingdom, but Kirkman is really lazy with Michonne, he practically wrote her off, not to mention she's been filler since several issues, hell, volumes not just issues. I'm very disappointed with what he's done to her character, she used to be great and I don't miss her.

    Depressed why? he looks like Hershel btw

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