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Dixon brothers reunion - disappointment

Discussion in 'Episode 310 - Home' started by MDixon fan, May 15, 2014.

  1. MDixon fan

    MDixon fan Member

    May 15, 2014
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    After waiting two seasons for the big Dixon family reunion I was rather disappointed. Merle and Daryl are not given enough time together as if the scenarists were in a rush to get Daryl make his decision. These two are so important for each other and so important for the story, they should have had an entire episode for themselves at the very least.
  2. lovedaryl

    lovedaryl Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
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    Are you talking about when they were pitted against one another in the Governor's ring with the walkers and everyone watching them fight to the death?
  3. MDixon fan

    MDixon fan Member

    May 15, 2014
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    Hello :)

    When they were in woods. The scene at the arena was really stupid I thought. But the woods are a special place for them. It's where they grew up, it's kind of symbolic. Season 3 seems to dismiss the possibility to survive alone, but you need to be alone to realise the benefit of a group. Daryl needs to be away from them a while with his bro to understand it. Season 3 is a mess...
  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    I think it was more a case of Daryl realizing not that he gave up the security of the group for Merle, but that the group is his family now, and it only took a short amount of time with Merle to come to that realization. I thought it was a good scene. I actually felt bad for Merle too when he realized their dad was beating Daryl.

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