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Down hill

Discussion in 'Episode 313 - Arrow on the Doorpost' started by Hank, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Hank

    Hank Member

    Mar 15, 2013
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    Is it just me? Is it really possible? Has The Walking Dead yet again become the most tedious program on TV? I just watched episode 13 'Arrow on the Doorpost' and for the second week in a row it was 99% yackety-yack-yack-yack!

    Before this season aired I thought the message went out from Fox that the writers had learned the lessons of season 2 and there would be more action this time round. But it's been slowing down episode by episode until now it is literally nothing but a chat show.

    2 weeks of nothing but talk!!

    I mean, I dig characterization, and dramatic tension, and build-up and all the good stuff like that, but I think we have the picture now surely!!! We know what the governor is, we know the situation between the groups, we know Andrea is brain-dead, we know there's an ill wind a-blowin'... and a-blowin'... and a-blowin'...

    Can we please have some action?!! Have the writers sent themselves into a coma? Have the producers had to come in at the last minute and copy and paste from the previous 3 or 4 episodes? Is there any hope Rick's group might show a little street savvy and stop laying themselves wide open to being walked all over at the governor's whim?
    Can I expect another hour long episode of clap-trap??!! Please!!! I like this show, but it's testing my patience again.
  2. BarbDwyer

    BarbDwyer Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Next show Rick and Gov are going to write long letters to each other and Daryl and Martinez will carry them across the river to read them aloud. Maggie and Glenn sing an out of tune love ballad while loading up double dead walkers in the back of the truck.

    That's it. Hold out for the finale. There will be fire.
  3. Zugzwang

    Zugzwang Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    To be fair, I can't say [about production quality] until after re-watching the entire season 3 on DVD. Never quite understood the backlash on season 2 either because I liked it, enjoyed it thoroughly — themes were consistent with season one and character development was fluid, even gripping. Layers of meaning emerge upon multiple viewings and personally, I could care less about adrenaline from token blood, gore or near-death escapes.

    Then again I saw it on DVD, so the viewing process was uninterrupted. No week-long anguish or emotional dissatisfaction from waiting for the next episode to air.

    As for season 4, I hope they clean up the prison arc by end of season 3, be done with historical parallels. Would be nice seeing herds of undead by the thousands and arbitrary residues of the horror from perspectives of TWD's characters. More conundrums, dilemmas, growth, regression in the vein of "Clear".

    Don't get me wrong, I like action-packed films and TV-shows. Only this series has a lot more potential than simply just that.
  4. Silky

    Silky Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Could it be all these different directors? Too many cooks...
  5. dogfighter

    dogfighter Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    OMG here we go again same old song every single season. I heard this same complaint last season. Guys it's going to pick up soon just give it time.
  6. skaaaa

    skaaaa Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Last weeks episode was a set up for the final 3 episodes. It is just the calm before the storm.
  7. BarbDwyer

    BarbDwyer Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Yep and IMHO the payoff is well worth it. The action episodes pack a way bigger punch when there is filled out characters and story. If it was all action there is no suspense and with no set up I would not care at all.
  8. Dark Meat

    Dark Meat Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Same here, I watched all of season 2 back-to-back and never understood all of the hate. How much wiser does Shane look in retrospect?

    i do think the ability to rewatch each episode multiple times a week between the next episode might be contributing to the lack of patience.
  9. InMyBlood

    InMyBlood Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    I just feel like there is only one thing going on at a time. In the first half of this season it didn't feel that way. Am I imaging this?? I haven't gone back yet to watch it back to back so I can't say for sure. That's probably my only complaint this season. As for season 2, I loved it. Didn't think it was slow at all. but i watched it back to back after it aired before season 3 started so that may have something to do with it.
    #9 InMyBlood, Mar 16, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
  10. Suds

    Suds Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    C'mon Peeps............each and every episodic drama on TV is a soap opera. Accept and enjoy. We only have a problem if someone wakes up and it's all a dream............................
  11. Al Davis is back

    Nov 10, 2011
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    I never thought my opinion would change so much. He was ahead of the curve.
  12. Hank

    Hank Member

    Mar 15, 2013
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    Hey BarbDwyer -

    ‘Next show Rick and Gov are going to write long letters to each other and Daryl and Martinez will carry them across the river to read them aloud. Maggie and Glenn sing an out of tune love ballad while loading up double dead walkers in the back of the truck.’

    Yeah, that’s funny. I thought similar. And I think Rick should go round each member of his group and discuss things, they could all get things off their chests about how they’re feeling; and then Andrea could go between the groups another couple of times and have another chat with each leader. And then Rick and the governor could meet up again to point out the grammatical errors in each other’s letters. And this could all build up to a really stonking ultra-dramatic episode half way through season 4.

    But guys, guys… I do hear what some of you are saying about laying the ground work etc. And I agree it’s a strong point of the show, with the strong characterisations, character development, building tensions and dilemmas and underlying questions, but I don’t think this necessarily requires a two or three episode slump to do this.

    I’m not really even talking about just having action, action, action per se. I’m looking for dramatic progression of the story. I’m not talking about token blood and gore and near death escapes. I agree good drama should not have to rely on token action in desperate attempts to keep the viewer awake. I’m talking about weaving things together seamlessly – action, character development, plot, sub-plots etc etc – as happens in good writing.

    But what I feel I’ve been getting is a plot that has stagnated over a number of episodes, with the same plot points revisited and revisited and revisited as if I’m stupid and don’t get the dramatic potential of the situation. And now the story seems to ground to a complete halt as the series seems to have turned into a series of discussions.

    I understand the argument that we should eventually get the dramatic pay-off for all the talking, but for me it goes too far when the series grinds to a halt as a blather-fest with token kills to break up the monotony, just so that further down the line we get a gripping episode.

    And don’t get me wrong, I really like this show. It’s my TV highlight of the week. There’s nothing else comes close. But I just want to see some actual story development. It’s becoming too frustrating to watch. I’ll hang in there, because by next Friday I’ll need my fix. But it’s becoming hard work.

    By the way, Dark Meat and Al Davis Is Back - surprised to hear your retrospective take on Shane. Can’t see how you think he was reading it right. I thought he was a selfish, self-obsessed, self-important, know-it-all, wanna-be tough-guy who couldn’t bear not getting his own way and couldn’t handle the pressures. He was a stress-express on a one-way ride to destructionville. Surely the fact he concocted that devious plan (which threatened other group members) to get Rick alone so he could kill him was testament to how badly Shane was losing it and posing a real threat to the group. Anyway, that’s my take. If I had to choose between being in Rick’s group or a group led by Shane, I’d be first in line in Rick’s group.
  13. BarbDwyer

    BarbDwyer Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    I like all the individual episodes but agree that Woodbury / Prison story arc is kind of dragging. I can't imagine it going like this until mid season four but we'll see.
  14. Komodia

    Komodia Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    I never understood it either. Perhaps its just the type of viewers who are watching the show, it reaches many different types. Ive never been into horrors much but I love dramas and the drama aspect of this show is what caught my attention. If it was just pure action and gore with no dialogue it would lose my interest quick.
  15. NameTaker

    NameTaker Member

    Feb 26, 2013
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    Absolutely agree. I hated him a lot when he was on the show, but now that he's gone, I'd give anything to have him back.
  16. skaaaa

    skaaaa Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2012
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    I'm glad Shane is worm food
  17. Zugzwang

    Zugzwang Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    He adapts faster than Rick, that's for sure. As for wisdom, I think it depends on what constitutes being wise. Sentience versus sapience maybe.

    Shane has many strengths that work to survival advantage in ZA, but the question is whether being able to breath, eat and sleep are truly all there is to living. These things are mechanical functions and preserving them means living to see another day, but how long can they sustain human beings? People do wither out from psychological deaths, hence the title "walking dead'.

    I see Shane as a classic byronic hero whose ultimate downfall was rational egoism. I don't think he was wise, and even if he had lived, I don't think he would've been able to transcend beyond self-interest.
  18. tommy

    tommy Member

    Jan 15, 2013
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    You're obviously not comparing it to crap like Eastenders and Jeremy Kyle...
  19. ThatGuy0965

    ThatGuy0965 Member

    Dec 2, 2012
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    like [MENTION=3182]Skaeryll[/MENTION] said, i think this was just a developing episode, setting the mood for the last 3. looking at the promos (and spoilers c; ) of next weeks episode, it looks like its going to be very fast and action filled. so we can only assume the last 2 will be also. This episode was to give that much more umph to the story line. now leaving this episode, Rick realizes that this "war" is now officially a war. there can't be any treaty. there's no way out, they have to fight. its kill or be killed between the prison and woodbury. and because of this meeting, the governor now has a devilish plan which next weeks episode looks centered on. ill agree, i wasn't a big fan of this weeks episode. but to says it horrible and that this show runs on exciting moments every week isn't very necessary.
  20. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    The calm before the storm, the deep breath before the plunge, etc. I think this talking things out without success was a necessary part of the show, and especially for a drama. If they did NOT have it, but just attacked each other, people would ask why they didn't try and settle their differences peaceably first. This way, of attempting a parley, is more realisitic IMO.

    My big question is where will the show take us? If Rick's group takes out the governor, they could in theory cooperate with and move in with woodbury, which would raise a whole new set of issues, that of governing a town - which Rick might not be very good at. Being a politician IS a skill, even if non-politicians put them down.

    OTOH, if Rick loses, it's back on the road again, which we've seen before, but maybe they'll head off for a coastal adventure like Michonne wanted. Is that the direction the show will go? Who knows?

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