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F2P - Good or bad idea?

Discussion in 'Z1: Battle Royale' started by The Professor, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. The Professor

    The Professor Administrator

    Nov 21, 2011
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    There's been some concerns that going F2P will increase the amount of hackers in-game. A one-time price in order to access the game may remedy that. What do you think?


    I would much rather it be like DayZ, you buy it and thats it.

    I just hate the idea of people being able to buy "perks" or "boosts"
    He did say that it wont effect PVP, but Im still weary.

    IMO, the only way I would actually like it is if everything you can by you can still get by looting, as long as it isn't weapons, upgrades, or health items.
    If someone wants to pay for a certian shirt or jacket instead of taking the time to loot it, I think thats ok. As long as clothes dont give you benefits beyond more inventory space.
    Will see.
  3. Origami Crane

    Origami Crane New Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    I wouldn't be opposed to a one time fee similar to what they are going to have for Destiny. Free to play games do tend to attract a large number of trolls, which would be lessened by having to buy the game. I don't like having to pay a monthly fee to play the game though. You already have to pay for PS+ (unless you are on a PC). The monthly fee in addition to the initial cost of the game is the main reason I'm not buying the new Final Fantasy.
  4. petudy

    petudy New Member

    Apr 30, 2014
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    I'm personally a fan of F2P, and I don't think adding a one time price will stop hackers (Just look at WarZ).
    It all comes down to how they balance the cash shop, some games do it wonderfully.
    I personally suggest something along the lines of what they have done in League of Legends,
    where only cosmetic items can be purchased.

    While short term that may not be very profitable, in the long run as you continuously
    add cosmetic items, so long as the game is good, profits will skyrocket.
  5. sparkblade14

    sparkblade14 Member

    May 1, 2014
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    They posted on reddit what the F2P model for the game will be like. It's mostly cosmetic stuff and emote packs. They did talk about something like crates, but SOE's unsure of what that'll be like. I think their model will be fair. They promised they won't sell guns, ammo, or water since that'd be gamebreaking.
  6. WhiteAsh

    WhiteAsh Member

    May 2, 2014
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    I am very much OK with free to play, especially if it works like in Planetside 2 where everything that is not a cosmetic item can be unlocked with experience points. Also, free to play games usually have bigger audiences and thanks to that there's always somebody to play with. It's important to me because I tend to play at somewhat weird hours. Anyway, I've played other SOE free to play titles so I'm not really worried about hackers. They know how to deal with cheating and it's pretty much nonexistent in their games.
  7. Ehliya

    Ehliya New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Have P2P access human characters and let FTP play zombies. It would be fun to have real players mixed with the AI zombies.
  8. Wick99

    Wick99 New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Yeah I'm all for this. It would sort of suck to get killed by a roving gang of 10 year olds who used mommy's credit card to get all of the upgrades.
  9. Fleexie

    Fleexie New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    A one time payment could decrease the amount of cheater by some percent but wouldn't rid them completely from the game.

    There is one other thing that I find bad about most F2P games and that is ingame store/microtransactions. Sometimes there aren't problems but most of the time it's like, the rich people get the cool stuff the poor don't. Sometimes it's just gives too much of an edge to the people with a lot of money. However there are also the games were you can get everything no matter what, it will just take time. Anyway I just hope this doesn't turn out to be P2W.
  10. Swannaz

    Swannaz New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    The problem is with F2P is that every time I have seen a game company endorse that business model the game has always seemed to be doomed to fail. I saw it happen with City of Heroes. I saw it happen with Champions Online & other MMO's. Personally I'm all for paying a one time fee. Not sure about its benefits towards hacking but it should reduce the amount of them no doubt. Hopefully the game is paid for and promotes a more active community. F2P games always seem to gain a lot of inactive players very quickly.
  11. sparkblade14

    sparkblade14 Member

    May 1, 2014
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    That's simply because they have a larger player base in the first place. I'm not that worried about the monetization of H1Z1 personally. They've done a good job at not making it P2W in their other games, so I trust SOE on this game as well. You also already get a subscription to all their games if you subscribe to one, which is a very good idea to go about F2P game subscriptions.
  12. Takedon

    Takedon New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    It is a pretty good idea. As long as it is not going to become pay to win, I do not see any problem in it. Actually, I support F2P games like this one!
  13. Strykstar

    Strykstar New Member

    May 6, 2014
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    I think that while this might be a problem a couple years ago, F2P games hae already gone through the testing period, they know what works and what doesn't.
    I really think that more and more games will start to go F2P, it reaches more players and it makes the developers more money.
  14. Eat You Alive!

    Eat You Alive! New Member

    May 6, 2014
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    If they have a good anti-cheat system its fine.
  15. Abacabb

    Abacabb Member

    May 6, 2014
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    I think there is a good side and a bad side to the Free2Play Business Model. ESPECIALLY for a FPS/TPS game.

    My biggest concern and worst fear is cheaters. How will they be handled? I KNOW they can not IP ban people for the same reason big companies can't IP ban players. (Some users share same IP's even if not in same household) and with the game being Free2Play there will be no cost for them to just start a new account and do it all over again.

    The nice thing about Free2Play is when you tell a friend to check it out they can just go download it, not have to spend money and jump right in the Survival with you.

    I have more Pros and Cons for the Free2Play Business Model but I won't bore you with them.

  16. Edware

    Edware New Member

    May 6, 2014
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    I would just hope that developers of F2P games are able to eliminate hackers in a timely manner so we wouldn't have to worry about it as much, but if thats not possible I'm not against making a one time payment for an awesome game. F2P and P2P both have their ups and downs, but I'm not really against either of them.
  17. jhigh

    jhigh New Member

    May 6, 2014
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    I really think the F2P model is good, and the developers can make money through microtransactions. The only issue is that there's a fine line between F2P with microtransactions and P2W. One developer I think really does it well is Grinding Gear Games. Their MMO (Path of Exile) is F2P, but you can buy cosmetic microtransactions. The only microtransaction that affects the game is extra stash (bank) tabs to store items in.
  18. Agent

    Agent Member

    May 5, 2014
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    IMO That is not true at all, look at Team Fortress 2 and Dota 2, even the new Ghost Recon are some of the most played games on PC, they are always on the top 20 most played games on pc, even the Top 5.

    I won't deny that F2P has been used as a way to avoid a game from failing to make back it's budget, but the problem most of the time it's specific to those games, if this is a good game, the business model should not be a problem.
  19. StOBeR

    StOBeR New Member

    May 6, 2014
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    I don't want to see pay to win, but I don't mind investing money for items that are cosmetic only. Also, as far as F2P is concerned, I'd rather pay $100 dollars once for a good game the does ip / hardware bans for cheaters than get it for free and have no solid anti cheat.
  20. ManofOneWay

    ManofOneWay New Member

    May 5, 2014
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    I don't really like F2P games since it has always so many cheaters, or just immature kids that can play the game too. I would rather pay for a game and be sure that the amount of cheaters is low. The good thing is that it might get really big in the future like a lot of F2P games, I'm thinking about League of Legends for example.

    Anyways I hope F2p really means F2p, because if you can just buy weapons/skins/whatever to have an advantage over other players it kind of sucks.

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