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Fortify the Prison - Ideas???

Discussion in 'Episode 302 - Sick' started by Stats, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. Stats

    Stats New Member

    Oct 30, 2012
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    Just wondering if anyone else has some ideas how to secure the prison a little more?

    I was thinking it might be a good idea to lure all the walkers into the no-mans land of the out perimeter fences. There can't leave and can't harm you on the inside. This would have a number of benefits:

    1. Any one trying to enter the prison needs to overcome the walkers first.
    2. Their presence would be highlighted pretty quickly.
    3. The walkers could give the presumption that the prison is overrun and there is no one inside or no point trying to enter.
  2. beams9

    beams9 New Member

    Oct 29, 2012
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    Good ideas. Although they would have to leave some kind of escape route should the need arise. This could help or hinder the group so I don't think the prison would ever be totally secure from the outside. There is also the unknown parts of the facility to take into consideration. They do have the two surviving prisoners who would be a great help in knowing the layout. Only if they were to co-operate would they be able to completely secure the inside. Safe for the time being yes, long term I don't believe so.
  3. Bassman

    Bassman Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    They can't allow to have too many zombies putting force onto the fence. As we've seen a little bit in the first two episodes of this season, the group will eventually have to take shifts going out there and putting them down through the fence.
  4. Stats

    Stats New Member

    Oct 30, 2012
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    Good points guys. All ideas have positives and negatives and yes the number of walkers inside the fence would be a consideration and cleaning out the rest of the prison woul dbe a good idea.

    Just thought the harder you make it for invaders the better. They don't have too many in the group now and a new child and a man on one leg is going to slow everything down.

    Staying put is probably the best thing for a while.

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