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Garbage Pail Kids

Discussion in 'Episode 710 - New Best Friends' started by Neuropyramidal, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. Zvivor

    Zvivor Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    The junkyard group story sucks. Post-apocalyptic-a-dime-a-dozen. An episode ago, they surrounded Rick & crew with weapons. This episode, they have no weapons. And where all of ASZ's food went, courtesy of Father Gabriel stealing it -- who knows. Don't know what this junkyard group is smoking, but they are idiots. Wouldn't trust them as far as you could throw their skinny assed/stupid hair cut leader. Needing numbers is one thing. Adding numbers of stoners is another.
  2. Terminator

    Terminator Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Just because they had guns the first time Rick saw them doesn't mean they don't want a lot more. I don't trust them either. Really, who would live in a dump (literally) for 2 years? With their numbers and being near Washington they should have been able to clear any number of subdivisions and live in decent houses.
  3. WalkingBuckeye

    WalkingBuckeye Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    First of all, this is the first post I've made in a while because for some reason I can't log on through my laptop. Alarmingly enough, every time I try it tells me I'm forbidden. I normally like that, the idea of being quite literally forbidden fruit, but this is annoying. To the point about the junkyard dogs, I'm kind of ambivalent. I know the apocalypse didn't start yesterday, but seriously... To have developed their own language would have taken considerably longer; mean, unless they all happened to be at the yearly meeting of the Aphasic Inert Nihilists Society when shit went down. I really liked the actress on TTD, but I don't see this group having any extended utility. They make for good visuals but not much more, at least IMO.
  4. EZD

    EZD Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Nothing about this group makes any sense to me at all.
    The Language,Dress,Customs,Posture,Environment and reactions to everything just does not fit at all?

    Even worse is that our group seems to think this new group can be useful to them somehow when nothing that we see about them and the interaction backs this up in any way?

    The leader keeps saying they take but don't bother,whatever that means and all I can think of is that they will not fight at all for anything they can not just take.
    So when Rick proclaims that they will have to fight the Saviors they just agree?

    Nonsense and not interesting either.
  5. mtamborra

    mtamborra Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. The walking taz

    The walking taz New Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Jadis told Rick they had been there since the change but things were getting harder now and things are changing again so maybe it's time we change.
    Likely meaning it's harder to just take from everyone as remaining groups are the bigger stronger ones so they will make a deal not just take.
  7. Blueman

    Blueman Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Is ''Garbage Pail Kids'' ever used in the show? Someone tells me as I dont recall this name mentioned.
    Why such a name? I mean, these people are not kids, agewise. There might be a few who are in their teens but I see the majority are quite 'mature'.
    BTW, I think I see quite a number of their men has very long (blonde) hair, reminding me of the elves in the Lord of the Rings movies. The group looks like a cult to me. Many of them dont have any emotion on their faces, especially the 'lower rank' ones. With a group such large, I wonder where is their food source. I mean, the Saviours are many but they just rob others. This group does not seem to have to muscle to do similar bullying.
  8. PalmettoG27

    PalmettoG27 Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    The 'scavengers' sure are an odd group of people. I can't wait for Negan to see them for the first time because whatever he says is going to be hilarious.
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  9. 92Pony

    92Pony Active Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    My first thought when we saw "up-up-up" (that sounds so stupid it makes me cringe), was, I wonder if at some point they'll draw a large contingent of Saviors into that 'maze' and simply annihilate them - THAT, would be awesome!!
  10. Blueman

    Blueman Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Regarding Jadis' haircut and the dark grey style clothing of her people, I suspect they are Romulans under disguise. This might explain why she wants lots of guns.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Biffster

    Biffster Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2014
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    And perhaps a reliable cloaking device.
    • Funny Funny x 1

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