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Go to the bar and get drunk? Seriously???

Discussion in 'Episode 209 - Los Muertos' started by Gordian Knot, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. Gordian Knot

    Gordian Knot Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    This kind of absurd behavior is what is killing me about this show. Our intrepid group enters a huge hotel. The two kids act sensible and start exploring for danger. (Good). The two adults go to the bar and get plastered (Bad). No. Worse than bad. Aaaarrgh. This show has moments that illustrate the potential is there, but whoever is in charge keeps making these moronic script decisions that ruin it.

    They are in a completely new, completely unknown location. The group doesn't check that it is indeed as safe as it looks? And two of them not only decide they can't be bothered with something sensible like that. They just don't sit down and cry on each other's shoulders. Nope. They get falling down (pun intended) drunk. Why should I care if Vic and Maddie get eaten. When they act this stupid it sure makes it hard for me to care.
  2. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    It was a totally dumb decision. And people in reality would make really dumb decisions after being undress extreme stress, losing loved ones, being on the run with scarce food and water for days. Some people would adapt quickly and do safe, logical things, and sometimes you'd be like "f*ck it", pour me a drink. I actually like it when they make characters do dumb things [as long as everything they do isn't dumb], because that is how many real people would act.

    To be fair, they actually did check the entire first floor of the hotel. Alicia said they had been behind every door and checked every room, or something along those lines [so she must have meant the main building, excluding the part of the hotel they called 'the tower'. So they did spend time securing that area. I'm not defending their decision to get drunk, it was completely dumb. But the writers showing characters breaking down and doing really dumb things isn't necessarily a fault. Too often we see characters always do the right thingin fiction, and its refreshing to see them act more normal and flawed at times.
  3. Gordian Knot

    Gordian Knot Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    I understand what you are saying. And to a degree I would even agree with you. For me it is the 'kind' of dumb decisions the writers keep making the characters do that drives me nuts. This scene being the perfect example. The hotel is in lock down. They have to bust in the door and shove the furniture out of the way to get in. Okay fine. But what is the immediate thing you do after you have ascertained there is no imminent danger. Block the damn door closed again. One doesn't just wander off leaving it wide open. That is not the characters ' being human' dumb, it is 'these characters are too stupid to live' kind of dumb.

    As was getting drunk without being sure they are safe. The girls were still who knows where up in the tower when the adults decided to do this. One of them Maddie's own daughter.

    I don't have a problem with the getting drunk scene itself. It was well done and well acted*. My gripe is the timing of when they chose to do this. Just totally irresponsible.

    *Aside comment, these two actors were great together on Talking Dead. Their interaction was a delight to watch.

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