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Discussion in 'Horror TV Shows' started by skaaaa, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Oh my. I saw it coming. Nick slept with Adelind...willingly and with full knowledge that it was her!!! I think he's falling in love with her. She's the mother of his child and she loves that little boy. Keeping an eye on this development but the path of true love may not run straight and true. Then again, Monroe lost his first love but now so far, so good with Rosalie.

    I thought the assassin was supposed to take out Sean at the rally so I was surprised when the candidate got shot. I don't know why but I get the feeling that somehow Sean's new girlfriend is involved.

    Looks like Monroe and Nick have discovered the treasure that has been lost since the crusades! I'm dying to know what it is. In the meantime, falling into the lost church may have saved them from the murderous Wessen priest and the vigilantes he's rounded up to kill "the Grimm".

    The promos said that we'll get the answers next week on the 100th episode of the series.
  2. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    They got their treasure!!! Having fallen through the ground, Monroe and Nick found themselves in the lower depths, the catacombs, of what was once a medieval church. After a few dead ends they finally locate a hidden chest and make off with it.....but not before they have a minor skirmish with the local Wesson who were hunting them, one of whom bites Monroe on the arm. Upon returning to Portland, they use the keys and some of Nick's Grimm blood to open the chest and discover a

    Adelind's powers as a hexenbiest are returning and she's terrified Nick will turn her and the baby out. She's afraid to say anything and makes Rosalee promise not to spill the beans either but Rosalee says it would be better if she tells Nick rather than letting him find out by himself. Next time they're in bed she should bite his lip again and maybe his Grimm blood will take care of it like last time.

    I was right about Sean's girlfriend. Seems she's Wessen AND Black Claw. They want Sean to join them in return for seeing that he's elected to office, making him "the most powerful man in Portland." That's why they had the other guy assassinated so Sean could run in his place. He doesn't give them an answer.
  3. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Besides the usual Wessen crime of the evening the only progress in the Black Claw story arc is that Eve is on to Sean's girlfriend. She's also reviewed the tape of the assassination and there the girlfriend is on the phone looking up towards the window where the shooter was positioned. Then Eve questions Sean and is later seen in a restaurant listening in on a conversation the two are having. Interestingly, while Sean says he hasn't agreed to join BC, gf suggests that if Sean should become the candidate he would do better married and with a child. Why, how 'bout his daughter Diana and Adelind. Whoa. Later We see Sean placing a call to Adelind, asking her if she would like to get her daughter back.

    Before she gets that call, Adelind poses a "theoretical" question to Nick about what he would do if she got her powers back. Nick kind of brushes it off saying she's not the same person now and they'll cross that bridge when they come to it.

    So now it appears that both Adelind's and Sean's loyalty may be brought into question.
  4. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Tonight Rachel has been told by leaders in Black Claw that she has to get Sean to commit to them...or not but they want an answer. Eve has been keeping tabs on Rachel and breaks into her house when she goes to meet Sean. She finds the campaign poster with the date which suggests that it was printed before the assassination. She tells Nick to find out if Sean knew anything about it.

    Sean meets with Adelind to tell her that the Resistance has Diana and that she is alive and well. Adelind wants to see her daughter, of course, to which Sean says they have to wait. This upsets Adelind and some of her hexenbiest powers come forth. Sean sees it and asks her if Nick knows. She tells him no and that he better not tell him. He replys that he doesn't want anything to happen to her to which she replys that she hopes nothing happens to him.

    The Wessen crime of the night concerns a lacanthrope, sort of a Blutbaden gone bad due a genetic abnormality. They have to kill it of course under sad circumstances but not before it attacks Wu. He's not seriously injured but later we see him back at his place and he has a scratch on his leg. Still later while he's asleep, with the full moon shining in through his window we see him in troubled slumber covered with sweat. Will this go anywhere? A nightmare or......more.
  5. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    The cutest thing ever tonight was Nick playing with Kelly. Absolutely loved that scene. What is it with bad ass men and babies????

    Eve talks to Nick about Sean. She tells him what went down with the Dixon assassination and what they suspect while he was off in Europe. Nick brings Hank up to speed but they don't know if Sean is being used or was a part of it but they'll keep an eye on the sitch. In the meantime, they tell him they'll support his run but they also tell him if he has to resign no one who takes his place will know about what really goes on a lot of the time regarding Wessen crime. The capt. agrees that's true but is emphatic that the guy he'll be running against can't get elected, cause he's bad news.

    Eve decides to take things one step further. She pulls out some hexenbiest paraphernalia she apparently keeps at the base and concocts the shape shifting spell that let her look like Adelind only NOW she's taken on Sean's appearance. Guess she's going undercover to find out for herself how much involvement Sean has with Black Claw.
  6. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    This week's epi was a hoot in some respects....I'll elaborate.

    Eve visits the spice shop and tells Monrosalee, Nick and Hank that she's gonna pull the old hat trick and turn herself into Sean to see if she can infiltrate his life and find out more information that she couldn't otherwise get. All she wants is for them to keep him busy so there won't be two Sean's in the same place at the same time. They're a bit skeptical but say they'll do it.

    When a likely Wessen case comes up concerning an itinerant preacher who seems to turn into the devil they ask the capt. to accompany them so they can keep him busy.

    Eve/Sean goes to Sean's apartment when who do you know stops by for a booty call? That's right, Rachel. Eve/Sean is soooo stiff and uncomfortable but goes upstairs with her anyways. Next scene is them in bed with Eve/Sean saying "this has never happened to me before." lol Gotta walk the walk was your idea!!! lol

    In the meantime Wu is experiencing some unusual aches and pains. Something "bad" is happening as a result the the scratch he received from the lycanthrope but we'll have to see exactly what that is.

    Monrosalee sends a photocopy of the cloth that was wrapped around the artifact Nick brought back from Europe to a scientist friend. With some help they are able to decipher that the two words that can be made out are "miracle" or "miraculous" and the second word is a warning.
  7. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Tonight Eve tells Nick that Sean is cooperating with Black Claw. Nick tells Hank but suggests they act like they don't know anything.

    Eve also visits Adelind to warn her that Black Claw will approach her and of course of she hurts Nick, there will be repercussions.

    Monroesalee investigate the tunnels that run under Nick's place.

    Hank goes through some sort of "episode" where he awakens in the night and goes through a run in the woods. He wakes the next day and thinks he had a bad dream but there are leaves on his rug.

    At at the end of the Epi, Rachel has a surprise for Sean. Dianna! I would like to know how the hell they got ahold of her when she was last with the resistance. I wouldn't be a bit surprised BC is trying to put one over on Sean since he hasn't seen his daughter since she was an infant but he wants to believe.
  8. H5N1

    H5N1 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    I have my doubts it's Dianna as well.
  9. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    What to say about tonight's epi?

    Wu is absolutely turning wolfie. Even coughed up a hair ball... but can he control it and will he tell Nick? Doesn't look like either option is gonna happen currently. Maybe he thinks they'll put him down if he says anything but it's bound to come out, probably in a bad way.

    Rosalee talks with Eve. Answers a few questions Eve poses to her. Then before she leaves, Rosalee asks her about what she heard Eve tell Adelind, that she'll go after A. if A. hurts Nick. Eve asks Rosalee if she has a problem with that to which Rosalee answers that that's what she would have said....and mutters "if I was Juliet" after Eve leaves.

    Adelind does tell Nick that Sean contacted her but not that her powers have returned. He tells her to let him know if it happens again because Sean is working with Black Claw. Sean does call again but instead of saying anything Adelind leaves Kelly with Rosalee and heads out to meet him alone. They drug her, and when she awakens "Diana" is there. They hug.
  10. X-HUNTER

    X-HUNTER Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    #teamnadaline I love this series. Broke my heart that Adeline has left Nick.
  11. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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  12. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I just got done watching it and I can't believe I missed one of the few shows that are completely plot driven!

    First off, who is this Konrad Bonaparte??? The head of Black Claw? He seems to be calling all the shots now including bringing in not only Adelind but even suggesting Nick too because he's part of their world. No way is Nick going to be favorable to Black Claw's agenda and he's not going to be too happy with his captain if Adelind ends up with him. Of course she left. Her baby was threatened. She loves him (and Nick) and doesn't want him (or Nick) to get hurt but omg there's gonna be big trouble. The world will end if Kelly is harmed in any way although I think A. would risk her life to protect her little boy. That's the problem here. Two kids, two baby daddies....what a mess.

    One person who might be an even bigger problem is Diana. Without momma Grimm or her caretakers she's turned into a little wunderbrat. She's down right scary!!! And demanding plus she has no impulse control over what seems to be incredible power. Hope she's not jealous of her little brother. Will Adelind be able to control her?

    Poor Hank and Wu. Apparently Black Claw is out to get all those who aren't Wessen but know about them or they're going to be used as pawns to get to Nick. In a way it's good that Wu has the lycanthrope virus which will come out as a protective mechanism but Hank!!! Doesn't know his ex is setting him up big time. I'm even worried for Monroe and Rosealee. Meisner and his group need to get a handle on this yesterday.
  13. X-HUNTER

    X-HUNTER Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    Diana is a problem as she is out of control, she even gave Eve pause and I am hoping she is unable to hurt Kelly, after all Kelly is half Hexenbiest/Grimm. I love Adeline but she should be honest with Nick and not keep things from him. This whole situation is going to get worst as it seems everyone is in danger.
  14. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Intense epi tonight....all heading into the 2 hour season finale next week.

    Some of the highlights were:

    Wu learns to control his inner beast.

    Hank finds out his girlfriend is in cahoots with Black Claw and was using him. Nick and he deliver her to Eve's tender mercies to find out what she knows.

    Nick shows Trubel the miracle stake he found in Europe. Tells her if anything happens to him, she being a Grimm will be responsible for it's safekeeping.

    Nick goes ballistic over finding out that Adelind is with Sean. He believes the note that she left, that she did it to protect not only the kids but him and he doesn't hold it against her but he wants his son back, and I believe Adelind as well. Everyone tells him to be smart about it because they have Kelly and he agrees. Sean calls and wants to meet with him, at which point he tries to recruit Nick to no avail. Diana, being the little hexenbiest that she is wants her parents to be together. She tries to manipulate them and Adelind tells Sean they have to be careful because no one knows how powerful Diana is. She also gets that something is going on between her father and Rachel and we see her giving Rachel the stink eye at the victory celebration for Sean's election as mayor. Nick watching on TV says he's gonna kill Renard.
  15. X-HUNTER

    X-HUNTER Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    Are they going to show 2 hours next week? Or would they split it up?
  16. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    OMG!!! This was the best season finale yet!!! All two hours of it!!! Sorry I didn't see your post earlier, [MENTION=89942]X-HUNTER[/MENTION] but yes, it was two hours long and at the end it said "to be continued..." oh yeah it does, lol *SPOILERS*

    I won't go into a thorough recap but it was one serious episode. Everything's a bit jumbled so apologies but I wasn't home when viewing the episode so I didn't take notes but here we go. We learned that Bonaparte is a very powerful zauberbiest, even more powerful than Eve if you can believe that one, but the most powerful one of all, no surprise here is....Diana, but more on her later.

    Bonaparte was an evil mastermind of sorts. He was able to use people, to place them like pieces on a chess board to make certain outcomes most likely. Of course Nick fell right into his hands by attacking Sean in the police precinct in front of everyone. Of course Sean had to have him arrested which left him vulnerable. Bonaparte sets up Hank to be arrested by dumping dead bodies (that Nick killed last episode) in his house. The cops who took Hank in for questioning were Wessen from Portland North, which apparently is a whole precinct of Wessen cops who have pledged allegiance to Black Claw. They take him to one of their houses in a rural area and just keep him there because they were told Bonaparte was coming to interrogate him. Of course the gang rescue Nick (Black Claw wants his Grimm registry of all living and dead Grimms). They also go for Hank but it was only a ploy to get Eve, Trubel and Nick out of HW so Black Claw could hit it... which they do. They kill everyone including Meisner. Damn, I liked that guy. Long story short, but Bonaparte forces Adelind to tell them where Nick lives. All of our gang has reconvened there and B. figures he'll get them all in one fell swoop. They escape down into the tunnels but Nick stays behind to engage the oncoming storm troopers. He does and when all seems lost, Bonaparte is killed.

    What I've left out is one central piece of the action tonight...Diana. That kid scares the hell out of me. First off, we see her trying to get Adelind and Sean together, physically, through the use of, for want of a better word, voodoo dolls. Adelind figures out what's going on and speaks to her daughter and tells her she can't force people together but she's kind when she admonishes her and all ends well on that front. However, if you remember from last week when Diana was giving Rachel the stink eye, well......Diana doesn't like the ho fooling around with her dad so she appears in Rachel's bedroom through her mind and smothers the woman!!! She also brings Adelind along to watch. A. figures she's going to have to talk to her about killing people but she puts it off. I think she's a little afraid of her own daughter. Later, Adelind uses Diana to send a message to Nick that she was forced to tell Bonaparte where he lives, to warn him and Diana appears in the room to everyone's astonishment to deliver it. When Bonaparte is trying to strong arm Adelind into cooperating more, he uses his powers to strangle her a little and leaves marks on her throat. Diana wants to know who hurt her mommy. Was it daddy? Yikes. NO Adelind tells her, it was daddy's bad friend. At the end of the episode, and I think the kid was seeing what was going on at Nick's through her mind, she uses her father to KILL BONAPARTE!!!

    The miracle shard of wood Nick and Monroe found in Europe came out to play in this epi. During one of the big fights, Eve takes on Bonaparte but he's stronger than her and seriously injures her with a piece of glass. Nick takes her to his place and retrieves the wood stake. He uses it to heal her wound but something strange happens. After the wound heals, she has a seizure and it appears that she may be Juliet again. The Miracle Shard (MS) not only cured her injury but it may have also cured her of being a hexenbiest as well. Makes sense cause she wasn't born to it but "contracted" it as a side effect of some hexenbiest hocus pocus to get Nick's powers back. At least that's what appeared to be happening at this point but we'll have to wait and see the end results next season.
    THEN during the big fight at Nick's place Nick gets shot by the last Wessen trooper in the chest three times. He dies but because he put the MS in his coat pocket after curing Eve he comes back to life and kills the trooper!!! I saw that one coming.

    Sean Renard. I'm sooooo disappointed in him. And I like his character too!! He was such a douche this episode. When Diana was forcing her parents together to the point where they were all over each other, and clothing was starting to come off, Adeline was able to break away but Sean was still ready to go. A. was like, seriously??? She says something to the effect that after all she's gone through does he think she's all hot for him? and he replies "well, I am the newly elected Mayor..." Gaud Sean, lol AND when Bonaparte was squeezing the life out of Meisner he just stood there...occasionally injecting that's enough now but then he shot Meisner to put him out of his misery instead of shooting Bonaparte...WTF??? At the end when he stabs Bonaparte because Diana made him do it, he stands there looking at Nick and Nick looking back at him. He had to be wondering if Sean just saved his life cause there's no way Nick could know that Diana was pulling the strings but Sean had to know that the actions weren't his own so will be confess he didn't do it of his own volition? Where does that leave Sean and Nick???? Bonaparte was a founder of Black Claw. Is the organization gonna fall apart now? What are they going to do with Diana??? Will Adelind want to go back to Nick??? Will Diana let her??? Will she try to harm Nick??? What will happen to Mr. Mayor if Adelind leaves after his victory since he introduced her to the public as the mother of his children? How is Sean going to explain the mysterious deaths of a whole or nearly whole precinct of police? Will Eve become Juliet again?? How will that impact her relationship with Nick?? How will Nick deal with it since he has a relationship with his baby mama now??? Will the rest of the group get out of those damn tunnels?? many questions for next season.

    Two bright notes in this whole mess is that Monroe and Rosalee managed to hide the Grimm books keeping them out of the hands of Black Claw and the big news of the night??? Rosalee is PREGNANT!!!!

    Already looking forward to next season!
  17. X-HUNTER

    X-HUNTER Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    OMG!!! Thank you [MENTION=67542]purriwinkle[/MENTION] for that recap. Have not yet seen the episode it takes a couple day to be available on Amazon Germany.

    So sorry Meißner is dead, I think he had a thing for Adeline, after all he helped delivered Diana. Sean Rennard is really a big disappointment to me, in the beginning I thought his assoication with Black Claw would have been a set up. Not so eh, the guy has really gone over to the dark side.

    Adelind seem to be stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea, glad at least she tries to help Nick and his friends to escape the Black Claw goonies.

    Lots of questions to be answered in the next season which MIGHT be the last season and I read it will be only 13 episodes. It is going to be a long hot summer!
  18. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    About Sean. We have to remember that he's half Zaberbiest and like Hexenbiest's they're supposed to be a bit evil. The fact that he and Adelind were able to overide that part of their personalities was big to begin with. Sean has always had a thing for power. If I remember in one of the early seasons he was drawn to some coins that gave him power and he had to fight to overcome that. While he initially didn't approve of Black Claw or their agenda, he was seduced...first by Rachel and then convinced by Bonaparte who was much stronger than he was that he more or less had to go along. So he did. What bothers me is that he didn't fight more but then BC gave him back what he wanted most...his daughter so he started to get with their program. One thing the writers gave him and that was when Bonaparte was squeezing the life out of Meisner slowly and Sean shot him to get it over with quick, Bonaparte said to him, "You have compassion. That is not a good thing for any of us." so they left the door open a little bit for him to be redeemed again.

    How he and Nick will get past what has happened, if they do, is anyone's guess. Then there's Diana. She really wants her parents to be together. She's too young to understand that her parents don't love each other and that they may want to be with others. That's gonna be a big problem right there cause the girl doesn't even have to leave the house to cause all sorts of mayhem. She just goes there in her mind, her eyes glow purple and whatever she thinks gets done. Adelind says she still loves Nick but anything could happen next season, but for sure Nick wants his son back. That's one of the things you'll see in the epi. Bonaparte tried to bargain with Nick at one point for his Grimm registry by telling him he would swap it for his son. Whoa...Nick told him Adelind would never let the baby go and Bonaparte said he'd deal with Adelind. Fortunately Nick never made that choice because right about then all hell broke loose with the rescue.

    Only 13 episodes next season? Wrapping up the series? I thought the ratings were solid. I'm surprised.
    #158 purriwinkle, May 21, 2016
    Last edited: May 21, 2016
  19. X-HUNTER

    X-HUNTER Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    I was finally able to watch the final two episodes and I cannot get over Meißner death! I think I am going to form a campaign to 'Bring Meißner back!' Can't they use the magic stick to do something? As for Renard I never thought I would live to see the day when he is control by another, the late Bonaparte was pulling all the strings when in came to him and his family.

    Diana really needs guidance. She can really become a weapon of destruction if she falls into the wrongs hands, the late Kelly said as much from what I remember. One thing I like about Adeline she does not use Diana against her father. When Diana asked if it was Daddy who hurt her, she quickly denies it and gives a non committed answer not giving any names but Diana is a smart girl, she figures it out.

    So Eve/Juliet once again seem to have reverted back to Juliet. The question is, is she still a hexenbiest? Of course she is going to feel super guilty about all the past actions when it came to Nick. Yet I always felt there was inkling of Juliet in Eve before the stick was used on her. Eve was bent that Adeline will change once she becomes a Hexenbiest and go against Nick and I get a feeling she was diappointed when she and Nick believes Adeline was forced into joining Renard and BC. There is a scene was Nick verbally lashes out at Eve by telling her it is easy to judge when the children is not yours! Ouch! There was a statement made by Eve when she said, there is always a choice, hmmm is she talking about herself and her actions.

    As nor Nick, I am not sure of his feelings for Adeline. I know he lost it when she saw Adeline and his son on TV being introduced as as Renards' but I do not know. What is apparent, once Adeline has Nick's son and is with Renard, BC/Renard will always be able to control Nick, she must see this but I cannot see her giving up her child.

    There are many questions to be answered especially how relationships will be affected. When does the new season begins?
    #159 X-HUNTER, Jun 4, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  20. X-HUNTER

    X-HUNTER Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    Grimm' season 6 spoilers: Renard and Diana team up to take down Nick[/h]
    Nick (David Giuntoli) must watch out for the deadly combination of Renard (Sasha Roiz) and Diana (Hannah R. Loyd) in the upcoming season of "Grimm."

    During the last installment's finale, the kid demonstrated her awesome power by killing Bonaparte (Shaun Toub), the man who hurt Adalind (Claire Coffee). As far as Diana was concerned, no one has the right to upset her mother. Nick will also be her target, as he becomes a big threat to the reunion of her parents. Diana wants her family to be whole again and if she has to take down the Grimm, so be it.
    Giuntoli told TV Insider that the new season is veering away from the Black Claw-Hadrian's Wall war and focusing on the core characters. The one to watch out for is Renard, the new big bad, as he rises to power. Him being Nick's primary antagonist also means dealing with his daughter. If Renard succeeds in brainwashing Diana about Nick, she will be a huge threat. At her young age, she already has a good grasp of what she can do.
    "There's a pattern of behavior with Renard that's well established by now. Renard is in love with himself and with power, so when he slays Bonaparte Nick isn't going to give him the benefit of the doubt. He's probably thinking 'Am I next?' Or maybe, 'Is Renard trying to use me for something here?' But in a way what happened isn't so surprising. If Renard is so incredibly power hungry, why wouldn't he stab the head of Black Claw in the back?" the actor shared in the TV Insider interview.

    Meanwhile, Roiz has apparently been urging his executive producers to make him a bad person in the series again. Yibada cites a conversation he had with fans during JIBLand held in Rome. He said he liked playing a character that keeps the viewers guessing about what will come next. Renard likes to stay in the gray area, where nobody can tell where his allegiance lies.

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