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H1Z1 Did Better Than Fortnite On PS4 In June

Discussion in 'Z1: Battle Royale' started by Todd Black, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Todd Black

    Todd Black Member

    Apr 8, 2015
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    Is H1Z1 still doing good on PS4? Are the downloads consistent?

    As we've been noting for a while now, H1Z1 has found new life on the PS4. Mainly due to its free-to-play nature, but even with that being a factor, millions of players have put it on their system. And now, it has a rather interesting accomplishment for the month of June.

    The NPD numbers have been released for Sony games, and in the free-to-play section H1Z1 actually performed better than Fortnite. Fortnite is by and large the most popular Battle Royale title out there right now, so for H1Z1 to beat it in downloads for a month is very impressive.

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