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Have this sinking feeling...

Discussion in 'The Walking Dead Comic Predictions' started by Taeyeon'sBF, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. Taeyeon'sBF

    Taeyeon'sBF Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    I cannot help but feel that, after reading 128 Negan will be freed by Magna after telling her lies about Rick and his people. Like he will say something along the lines of "Rick overthrew me because he wanted my power. He is a dictator that must be stopped!" and Magna will fall for it, and with Magna's help Negan will kill Rick. This will cause the safe zone to collapse unto itself and cause Carl to go over the deep end, hunting Magna and Negan, as he and her group escape from the alleged "villains".
    Just a theory...but I cannot help but feel this is the route Kirkman is taking. Like a Star Wars episode 3 kinda thing, with the Jedi being replaced by the safe zone people.

    PS: Mods, if you want to spoiler this you can.
  2. HondaS2kXD

    HondaS2kXD Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Technically, it's speculation, so no spoiler... Except this one:
  3. lewh

    lewh Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    I can definitely see it taking this kind of route. Magna will go snooping around to find out everything she can about Rick and co. and will find Negan who will feed her his lies. Good idea.

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