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How come Andrea doesn't ask about the daughter?

Discussion in 'Episode 304 - Killer Within' started by luv it all, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. luv it all

    luv it all Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    I don't know if this has been mentioned elsewhere but when the Guv and Andrea are talking, he tells her his wife was killed in a car accident. Then he says it's just me and my daughter. But she doesn't ask about her, where she is. Wouldn't you say, 'oh where's your daughter?'
  2. AtlantaOverrun

    AtlantaOverrun Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2013
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    good point, never thought of that. I've to rewatche it
  3. Buttercup

    Buttercup Member

    Jun 10, 2014
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    I was wondering that too. I'll be like, oh is your daughter around. I'll like to meet her. See, what his excuse will be.
  4. Benrai2k

    Benrai2k Active Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    This is one part of S3 I think bad writing "shines" in the Woodbury/Andrea issue.

    I can understand to a degree in Killer Within, since Andrea is "just about to leave" and having her last chat with Philip, she may not delve too deep. She has little reason to dig.

    However, in Episode 5, when Andrea stays and becomes close to him...why would Andrea not ask, at all? Will your daughter walk in on us? How Would Andrea not possibly wonder where his daughter is, during a couple of days sleeping with him?

    I don't blame Andrea for this though, I blame Mazarra/writers. Simple reason Andrea doesn't ask is because Mazarra had no clue what he was doing week to week.

    I rewatched S3 recent and Andrea's overall arc there doesn't really seem as bad to me now, the only hiccups are: not asking where Penny is in episode 5 or 6. And also Andrea deciding she liked the walker fights...which didn't really lead to anything? Oh and the big hiccup, killing her off. Despite Woodbury, Andrea was totally redeemable as a character, especially with S4's direction.

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