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Hwy 16 or Hwy 23?

Discussion in 'Episode 511 - The Distance' started by Phantasm, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. Spidey

    Spidey Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Think of it this way, maybe these roads are not accurate, but maybe the company that makes those spaghettio's doesn't exist either? We gonna get upset that a company with that name doesn't actually make Spaghettio's?

    Things don't have to 100% match reality, this could be an alternate universe.
  2. deluxejay

    deluxejay New Member

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Honestly I think the writers were still in Georgia mode. There's a State Route 16 and a Highway 23 there that intersect.

    Sorry I'm a little late to the thread, just now catching up on TWD and thought I'd throw my two cents in.

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