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I need your valuable opinion!!!

Discussion in 'Battle Royale and Video Games' started by Bettaylo, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. Bettaylo

    Bettaylo New Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    I recently created a youtube channel to show my friends, that were asking me to play the walking dead so that they can see what options I choose when playing the game. I ended up having fun creating the videos and made other videos as well to entertain my friends and who ever else happens to like and share my videos.

    I was hoping if you guys can give me your opinion on what I can do to improve the entertainment quality of my videos. Im new at editing and if you look at the difference between my older videos to my newest ones. There has been a big improvement because of the feedback of my friends and others.

    please let me know!! thank you all
  2. Athanas

    Athanas New Member

    Mar 18, 2019
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    How you have began is the best way to go.

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