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If you feel like it, pleas help me to catch up on the shows S07 and S08.1

Discussion in 'The Walking Dead Season 8' started by Brock_, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. Brock_

    Brock_ New Member

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Hi there,

    I have watched the first episode (yes, episode, not season) of TWD with great interest and got all fired up for the show. Unfortunately, I found too many things to be uninteresting, arbitrary, dispensable or redundant to really love the show. Nonetheless, I kept watching it until season 6, because I always felt that every season had a couple of worthwile arcs as well as some stand out-episodes of really good quality. Plus, I liked the Walkers. I don't mean to be a shit head, I just write this to explain why I haven't continued watching. Season 7 began and I watched about five editions, yet it became more and more unbearable for me to watch due to various reasons. Since I still like finishing what I've started and "there is word" that season 8.2 really gains in quality again, I have a humble request for you: Would some of you be so nice to liste me about five episodes of seasons 7 and 8.1 which have more fundamental content and the real story-relevant events in them? I don't hope to understand and find out about everything that happened in those seasons, I simply would like a decent stock of info through watchin selected episodes in order for me to be able to get into 8.2.

    I thank you for reading this, and to all who try to help me, for doing so.
  2. Reina

    Reina Active Member

    Dec 9, 2017
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    Have you tried Wikipedia? Not everything there can be taken at face value but it can be a good source.
    I recommend just watching the entire TWD series in entirety myself. I've watched it dozens of times. You'd really be missing out on great material if you limit the season to just a few episodes. I'd think you'd want to dedicate to the whole series of you are this serious about it. It's truly an amazing show.

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