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Issue 184 review

Discussion in 'The Walking Dead Comic Series' started by lastcat3, Oct 3, 2018.

  1. lastcat3

    lastcat3 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2013
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    Issue was pretty good and I am glad that they dealt with the uprising as quickly as they did and didn't make it a bigger deal than they should have. A part of me thinks that they were a little too quick with having Rick come in and making an impact but at the same time I realize you can't have him come in and do nothing for five issues.

    Well things have been set up for Rick becoming the next leader of the Commonwealth because we found out that Pamela was 'elected' into office. Hmmm......wonder who will be elected next????????

    The last page or two with Dwight was a little too off the wall for my tastes though. It seems Kirkman is trying to show Dwight with a different angle but I don't think he has been developed enough recently for that new angle to be believable. He instead just seems like a different character in a lot of ways.

    I don't know how practical constantly maintaining 350/400 miles of track will be (and being able to keep trains in working order on top of that) in the long run but we will see how far they go with that storyline.

    Oh and I am all for Princess hooking up with the big bad stormtrooper. The more time he spends keeping her mouth occupied the less often we will have to listen to her.
  2. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Not a bad issue. I thought that Rick would actually help more with the resolution of the riots, but having him be seen actively helping with clean up was more natural and believable. And it was a statement that spoke volumes to anyone who witnessed it. And see, Pamela is already coming around to Rick's way of thinking.

    I don't agree with Michonne's proposal to just drop everything. I think a better solution should be a very swift trial, with constructive punishments such as the guilty parties having to do community service in a capacity that helps them see how the 'other half' operates. Followed by mandatory written apologies that are collected from each person and published in a public newspaper format, so the inhabitants can read how everyone is working together and what they've learned form the experience and what their regrets are. That way they can move on quickly, while at the same time have it be known in the city that these types of acts will not go completely unpunished.
  3. DabHero

    DabHero New Member

    Nov 6, 2018
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    Loved this issue.

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