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Just Some Ingame Suggestions

Discussion in 'Site Suggestions' started by Kryssy, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. Kryssy

    Kryssy New Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    I cant seem to find a suggestion place and I know a bunch of other people were asking for one. Which should really be implemented.
    Here are a couple suggestions of things that I thought would be a cool idea for the game.

    • When demolishing buildings/things give back a % of materials.
    • When crafting, if you do not have the items in/by you the ingredients list it will show red. If you have it, green. Example, Animal Trap
      1 Wood Stick
      4 Wood Plank
      3 Nails

    • C
      hange the Energy Bar to respond to sleep and add a Hunger Bar. In real life everyone starts to feel tired so they know they are getting tired before its too late. Still allow them only to sleep at the end but add a bar so people know “hey in a couple minutes i'm going to have to use my sleeping matâ€

    • Signs. Allow players to make signs out of sticks and planks. If you allow people to make signs and only place them inside their base it will eliminate those pesky signs all over the map. For example we would be able to label a storage container by putting the signs above the container. Or Signs on the outside of shelters or walls “Kryssy's Baseâ€[/B]
  2. hardujuu

    hardujuu New Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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