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Keeping track of the "unseen" communities.

Discussion in 'The Walking Dead Television Series' started by Chr1s, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Ok, now that Eugene has made first contact, I'm trying to wrap my head around all the unseen communities that we know are out there and how they could possibly connect to TWD, FTWD, TWD3, and the Grimes movies.

    We know Rick was taken by one of the three CRM groups. We are to believe the community in TWD3 is also one of the CRM groups. We can assume Rick isn't with that group because he won't be in the new series. So that's two of the three.

    We know about Georgie's group, but we don't know if she's one of the three, and now Eugene is in contact with another group that is probably the Commonwealth, the third of those communities. We also know Isabelle is from one of the three but we don't know which one, and it could be any of them as it doesn't interfere with any or the stories.

    If we assume Eugene is in contact with the Commonwealth and that is the third CRM community, we can also assume Rick isn't there, because at some point our group will make direct contact with them.

    So that leaves the third, unknown CRM group as being the one who has Rick and as of now there is no indication that community will be in contact with Alexandria.

    So if I have it all right, there are three CRM groups. The one we will see in TWD3, the Commonwealth, and the third group that has Rick. Georgie's group isn't connected to those communities and they are just another large-ish group on their own with their own network.

    I figure Rick won't be at the TWD3 group or Commonwealth because then we would see him at some point on the show or the new show and he's not with Georgie because Maggie would have told them by now.
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  2. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Yeah, I think the only known location of the 3 CRM communities is Nebraska State University, from TWD3. I don't think we've gotten any confirmation that Commonwealth is a CRM community, and actually I'm inclined to think it might not be. I agree with you that Georgie's group also isn't CRM.

    Since Nebraska State University is part of a network of at least 4 separate communities, and Gimple stated that CRM only has 3, I guess it stands to reason that not all of the communities that Nebraska is in network with are CRM. Nothing is very clear yet.
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  3. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Yea, I'm just assuming the Commonwealth is one because otherwise we have another group in the mix. Nebraska, Rick's group, CRM #3, then the Commonwealth and Georgie's group.

    That would be 5 new groups, 2 of which aren't connected to CRM. That just seems like a lot.
  4. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Right, plus all the other groups from TWD3. Omaha, Portland, etc.
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  5. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Where in the timeline will the 3rd series be, compared to TWD? We know that Fear is a few years behind TWD.

    The truth is out there
  6. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    According to a statement awhile back, its going to take place about 10 years in, so sometime around the same time as TWD, unless that changes.
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  7. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Brings up a good point, the universe timeline is going to be a huge factor in everything.

    If we look at TWD as the "prime" timeline, FTWD is roughly 7 years behind and TWD3 is roughly the same time as TWD. Which obviously puts TWD3 7 years ahead of FTWD.

    In that sense FTWD is still the "prequel". The CRM we see in FTWD and picking up Rick isn't nearly as advanced or big as it is now. Or maybe it's behind in terms of technology. They had helicopters at that point, but maybe by the time where we are on TWD they no longer have helicopters.

    In that sense traveling great distances might be harder now and could also help explain why Rick isn't back or why we won't get any true cross over between TWD and FTWD.

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