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Lesbian Kiss

Discussion in 'Episode 605 - Now' started by wolffe, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Hope the Savior

    Mar 31, 2015
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    I've watched a few episodes of Below Deck, but I haven't seen that one. Now, I must find it.

    I love whipped cream, and I love peanut butter, both chunky and creamy. But I've never tried them together, though. Hmm...I'll give them a try with numbers 28 and 29. They'll be joining the four of us momentarily.
  2. Prufrock

    Prufrock Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2013
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    It's this season, kinda sandwiched in between all of this season- like whipped cream PB sandwiched
  3. Hope the Savior

    Mar 31, 2015
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    Ha! That was hilarious! The peanut butter and whipped cream snippets just enticed me to binge-watch this season.
  4. josephmitchell1

    Jan 11, 2013
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    I wonder if all the idiots who vowed to stop watching when the male gay kiss happened last season were equally as disgusted when it was women kissing? I am glad Tara has somebody, but I am scared that it means they are planning to kill her or Denise for an emotional shock death.
  5. and138

    and138 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    They would have been disgusted, but of course, they stopped watching, right? :p :p :p
  6. Anachronda

    Anachronda Member

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Everyone knows Tara is a lesbian, I thought. Denise definitely does because I am pretty sure she's heard Tara reminding Eugene of the futility of his crush on her. As far as the kiss goes, I felt like Denise was inspired by Tara's speech about bravery and chose to do something brave in the way of showing her love and coming out.

    Speaking of which it's kind of weird Aaron previously pointed out there was somewhat rampant homophobia in Alexandria. Deanna seems to be the type of leader that would be mandating sensitivity classes or something. That said, I wonder if the homophobes are all dead now. I don't think anyone got pointed out as one, but I'm betting on Pete.
  7. MaccDuff

    MaccDuff Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    Her gay-dar went off.

    Actually, I suspected something like this would happen when Tara popped in on Denise in an early scene.

    The whole concept is gratuitous (how much 'romance' have be seen in the TWD overall?) and a sop to the gay-friendly networks.
  8. WalkingBuckeye

    WalkingBuckeye Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    This from the man with the gayest avatar I've seen? Whatever--lay on, Macduff.

    [MENTION=50951]Apollonia[/MENTION], [MENTION=8839]Prufrock[/MENTION], [MENTION=85521]Hope the Savior[/MENTION]: Damn, I go to bed and wake up to find that there's been a freakin' Lesbian Avengers meeting? With whipped cream and PB? Give a girl a damn phone call! (BTW, Pru, my momma's been prayin' for me, too. So far, no good.)

    [MENTION=5538]josephmitchell1[/MENTION]: I hear you. Everyone's at risk, obviously, but the fact that Denise is a doctor sets it up for some real heart-yank moments. And we all know what happens when somebody gets their happy on in the ZA.

    [MENTION=97911]Anachronda[/MENTION]: I agree. I feel like this whole episode was about people making their choices around fear, and Denise has been walking that journey since we met her. I keep thinking of her smile as she walked up to Tara--it was a different look than we've seen on her, a far more confident look. (Loved the "Hot damn" moments, and the generosity with which she then gave Tara a "Hot damn" moment.) I agree, too, about Aaron's observation and the unlikelihood of Deanna's putting up with it. I'm guessing it was early on, and before he and Eric started making some of the most dangerous runs in order to help the community. BTW--welcome to the board! Hope you're enjoying. (Please don't let the 3 perverts mentioned above scare you off. Those women are just too, too naughty.)
  9. josephmitchell1

    Jan 11, 2013
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    That's it, I can't think of anyone who has been allowed to stay happy for too long - Aaron/Eric, and Abe/Rosita seem like exceptions to the general rule! Though that said, they seem to be building a cheating plot for Rosita (which annoys the crap out of me), so theat might come crashing down anyway...
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Anachronda

    Anachronda Member

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Rosita cheating?! EEK! I definitely missed the suggestions of that you noticed. It would be kind of a weird thing for her to do, given how her character is so defined by her devotion to Abraham and they don't seem to have many problems getting along. Plus Alexandrian men are kind of disgusting in their wimpiness. She could be bi, I guess, but the other problems remain.
  11. WalkingBuckeye

    WalkingBuckeye Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    I think that Spencer is interested in Rosita--has been since the party, and now more than ever--but I don't know that Rosita reciprocates. Your point is a good one, [MENTION=32172]Ana[/MENTION]chondra, Rosita is very much defined by Abraham. I don't think we've ever seen her away from him for this long. And I don't think she's bi; I mean, yeah, we all sighed happily when she and Tara lay down in the road during the thunderstorm--soaked shirts!--but I've never picked up on her being interested in anyone but Abraham. But I agree with you, [MENTION=2865]Joseph[/MENTION]Mtchell1, I sorta don't want Tara to be too happy b/c, well, that never ends well. Just ask Sasha.
  12. Hope the Savior

    Mar 31, 2015
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    O_O Perverts?! Perverts?! How dare you, madame?! How dare you?! You're admission to the Lesbian Avengers has been revoked! I mean, how can you expect us to invite you to our parties now, after you've called us perverts? You're no better than those really nice Alexandrians who mean well but still say hilariously offensive things. :zombies_lol:

    I kid. I kid. I shall drop a mention the next time the Lesbian Avengers a.............ssemble. (Sorry, I have to pay homage to Cap not being allowed to finish that line in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.) Just make sure you're wearing your whipped cream and/or peanut butter bikini when you arrive.

    Welcome to the forum, [MENTION=97911]Anachronda[/MENTION]. I assure you that [MENTION=50951]Apollonia[/MENTION], [MENTION=8839]Prufrock[/MENTION], and I are not perverts. We may have naughty thoughts, fantasies, etc., from time to time, but we are most assuredly not least not most of the time.
  13. Hope the Savior

    Mar 31, 2015
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    People finding love and purpose in this world is always bittersweet for me. I'm happy for them but I'm simultaneously scared they'll die shortly after finding real happiness.

    And I won't lie. When Denise and Tara kissed, my heart sank a little because they're being in a relationship just reignited my concerns about Tara and Denise's possible deaths.
  14. WalkingBuckeye

    WalkingBuckeye Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry you thought I meant "pervert" in a bad way! It's the highest form of praise I can give! Indeed, it is my life's greatest ambition that when I die, I be worthy of having that one word etched upon my tombstone. Maybe in Latin, to give it that classic, timeless feel.

    Re: Love in the Time of Zombies (also known by its shorter title, "Bad Ideas")--I've definitely contemplated and worried about your scenario. It would be such a gut-punch, even if we knew it was coming. I've also considered:

    #54 WalkingBuckeye, Nov 12, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
  15. Hope the Savior

    Mar 31, 2015
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    All is forgiven. I know you were teasing. <3

    That would be an interesting tombstone: "Here lies WalkingBuckeye. May she rests peacefully in her perversions." (I'm not 100% certain what the Latin translation is.)

    That is one scenario I've also considered for Tara and Denise. I refer to it as their best case, realistic scenario. It would still break my heart, but Tara surviving for the long haul would keep my heart from shattering completely.
  16. Prufrock

    Prufrock Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2013
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    my spidey sense have been tingling about this!
  17. Prufrock

    Prufrock Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2013
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    That is for my *cough* other boards * cough* :)
  18. Prufrock

    Prufrock Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Those idiots are all yelling "hell, yeah!"

    The idiot attention span is equal to the life of a mayfly;)
  19. WalkingBuckeye

    WalkingBuckeye Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    So I was thinking about this whole "How could Denise kiss Tara when she didn't know if she was a lesbian/bi?" thing. I'm just setting aside all the double-standards about surprise kisses and the genders of who's doing them as well as the idea that it would somehow be traumatic; folks here have already covered it in wonderfully snarky fashion.

    What I'm thinking of, instead, is the reality that we--lesbians and bi women--often do sort of recognize each other. No, we don't actually have a code (though certain things will certainly ping); it's more of a double-take, or particular eye contact. It doesn't have to be flirtatious in nature (although that's fun); it's just this sense that we know each other. I've had it with women who didn't fit any kind of stereotype. We just made eye contact and...recognized each other. So I watch the scenes w/ Tara and Denise (Denara? Tenise?) and I feel like that happened. As others have mentioned, the Alexandrians may well have known that Tara's a lesbian. But maybe they didn't.
    [MENTION=8839]Prufrock[/MENTION] (and anyone else who shops on my side of town), help me out here. Does this make any sense?
  20. Berry

    Berry Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    This is funny. I went to an all-girl college for a year, and had NO IDEA that some of my closest acquaintances were lesbians until the last week of school, when a friend told me. *mind blown* I did have one girl sort of hit on me (maybe?... she'd asked if I ever thought about being lesbian, and I said no.. though was flattered).

    I now have a 15 year old daughter (who has BOOBS), and when she hugs me, it's SO WEIRD!!! I don't remember my mom's boobs being an issue when I was a teenager, but with my daughter...I want to hug her, but 2 sets of boobs get in the way! lol

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