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Matthew Lewis The Monk

Discussion in 'Horror Books' started by Alina, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Alina

    Alina Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2012
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    Check it out. The 1700's version of Twilight. You can get if free via amazon kindle or pick a copy up in any second hand book store. This is a truly gripping story and one of the most atmospheric and scary books you will read. The master of gothic literature.
  2. KitchenWitch

    KitchenWitch Member

    Feb 15, 2013
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    I haven't read the Twilight books, but I'm not sure this comparison is apt.

    There aren't any undead in "The Monk." It's just a bunch of f*cked up, repressed devil worship by some folks who really should have known better. I read it just after "The Mysteries of Udolpho," so the writing didn't seem so bad at the time. I'm sure it was shocking for period readers (Oh goodness, he's spying on her in her sleep! My stars and garters!), but I wouldn't recommend it particularly to modern readers. It's free through Project Gutenberg, so that's one advantage.
  3. Duzy

    Duzy Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    I have a lot of books currently on my to read list, however, I am always looking for more. Ya lost me at Twilight though. /shudders Maybe it's an age thing, but from my limited exposure to the books and films I can guarantee that it is not for me.
  4. obliviousme

    obliviousme Member

    Oct 2, 2014
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    I love the whole Twilight books, don't judge me but it's actually pretty decent. It's not exactly horror but it's more of a love story between a human and a vampire. It's great really. Just because people hate it doesn't mean it's not good. Those haters are just losers to be honest. I'll be sure to check out this book, i do love a great horror that truly terrifies me.

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