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Mid Season Finale

Discussion in 'Episode 508 - Coda' started by wbunn, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. wbunn

    wbunn New Member

    Dec 1, 2014
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    I was left somewhat in a fog from last nights episode. With all of the other adventures the group has been on the story would build and bits would be revealed from episode to episode about the place they were camped at for the time being even when at the church but last night it was just all thrust at us and we were left to fill in the holes. It seems that key tidbits were left out that would have made the story flow much better. Like the relationship between Dawn and Beth. First, Dawn was all over Beth like white on rice and then she gives her the key to the medicine cabinet to help Carol. It was never really clear why they wanted to keep Beth and let Noah escape. It was also never stated why those they rescued had to 'repay' their debt and just what all that would entail. Also, what was up with all of the flashbacks from when Carol was on her own? This did not even fit with what was going on last night in my opinion. AND, why do we have to keep losing key actors every season? After all, isn't this about their survival?
  2. the walking jet

    Jan 22, 2015
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    i wasn't crazy about the mid season finale either..

    that said, i'm pumped for february 8th..
  3. Cowboyz4life

    Cowboyz4life New Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    I was upset to see Beth go. I remember them saying it was time for some of the key actors to go. I knew these days would come but I wasn't ready for that loss. I am excited to see what they have in store for us in February.
  4. WalkingBuckeye

    WalkingBuckeye Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    What were they going to do, anyway?

    I watched Sunday's marathon, including Coda, and had a couple of questions come to me as well.

    First of all, why not talk to the 2 surviving cops/hostages separately? I would want to get a feel for each of them as individuals and see how much their takes on the situation gibed or differed.

    More importantly, Rick et al. have just been told on several occasions that Dawn fears looking weak. When Dawn first demanded Noah, the female hostage (was she Licari?) tried to reason with her, only to be told to shut up. The group was already close to the door. So why the hell even engage with Dawn about Noah? The group certainly had the fire-power to withstand whatever the wardens could throw at them, if the wardens even responded to Dawn's command to do so. That's the crux of my argument: Rick knew Dawn wasn't a highly respected leader, he had heard Licari try to talk her out of the Noah demand, and they're all close to the door. Turn to your group, mutter something like, "Be ready to go," and then say no deal and haul ass. Because I really don't think Dawn's crew would have necessarily sprinted to catch them. I think Licari really did have a sense of honor, and she respected the way Rick's gang had treated them. I think there would have been enough of a delay to get them out the door. Alternatively, Rick could have requested a 1-1 with Dawn, emphasizing the ideas of "Let's talk, as the leaders of these groups." And then just put it out there: if you're worried about losing face, I think you'll actually gain respect by being reasonable.

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