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MW3 is better the Black ops 2

Discussion in 'Modern Warfare 3' started by Zelos, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Opener

    Opener New Member

    Dec 14, 2012
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    Hi everyone, first post on this forum and I'm finding myself getting sucked into this debate. I'm a COD veteran and have played every one since COD4.

    I REALLY want to like BLOPS2. It's got loads of customisation options and they all beg to be explored and toyed around with. Some of the scorestreaks are great fun to call in and are a great incentive to play the game. The maps are generally pretty decent, generally better than MW3's.

    Unfortunately, as a few have said above, the lag, the spawns and the sound are incredibly bad and these factors outweigh the pros. I keep giving it another try every 2-3 days, but end up switching off after about an hour where I might have one decent game for every two shit ones.

    I went back to MW3 and for all its faults I still prefer it to BO2. BO2 has much more potential, I just hope that Treyarch unlock it by patching the game quickly. Not sure how much longer they can ignore such meaty issues, whilst ******* about with minor adjustments.
  2. cyberpunk6767

    cyberpunk6767 New Member

    Dec 14, 2012
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    I think both games have their strengths and weeknesses. Create a class is cool, but MW3 definately has a different feel. BLOPS2 feels faster for some reason..not sure why.

    I think the different developers create a nice competitive aspect to the 'one up' rule, they are essentially in a competition with themselves, and then the other european company, dice something, lol. All are ggod games, its just a matter of preference...

    My .02

    IIVxWARxVII Member

    Dec 16, 2012
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    I think that both games have their strong points with MW3 feeling more of a arcade shooter and black ops 2 feeling like a fast paced shooter.
  4. NukeInbound

    NukeInbound Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Did you just said that the sound's bad ?

    What is this forum coming to ?
  5. Gezza93

    Gezza93 Active Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Not really played the multiplayer, more of a zombies guy. Seeing everyone complaining about a lot of issues with multiplayer, I don't think I'll bother.

    I'll just say this about BO2, the campaign was the best I've played since CoD4. I don't think it's better but maybe equal in my opinion. They have finally done something different with it. Being able to make choices, customising your load out and the campaign itself kept me interested throughout. Personally love the fact that Michael Rooker was the voice of Harper. That's the only reason I didn't shoot him lol. Wish I made some different choices though, like killing that bastard at the end. I don't even know why I captured him. I said to myself that if I have the chance I will kill him, but my good side took over.

    All in all, it didn't even feel like a CoD campaign, which is good. Bring Michael Rooker back into the next game like they kept doing with Craig Fairbrass.
  6. Aldo215

    Aldo215 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2012
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    Fairness doesn't come into it, it's opinions fullstop as I could argue that you haven't been fair but that would just be my opinion!:

    -Assault Rifle dominance - You're joking right? Most balanced COD yet!
    -Terribly shitty maps - I disagree. Lots of good maps with Downturn the only real shit map!
    -Map design was meh - No need to mention it twice!
    -Graphics were hideous IMO - Best graphics of any CoD yet but lacked some vibrant colours!
    -Spawn system was bad(BO2 spawns are worse though) - Very few bad spawns imo!
    -No post launch support for the most part - BS. Loads of tweaking of lag comp and weapon balancing.
    -ACR, MP7, Type 25 overused - but not overpowered! You can't blame the game for what the community does.
    -Support killstreaks - Great idea but they should not have included the Stealth Bomber or EMP.
    -Lag(This has been an issue every game.) - Lag will always be an issue!
    -Encouragement of quickscoping - Yet I hardly see anyone doing it and when they do they suck!



    Kill Confirmed
    Specialist Killstreak
    Support Killstreak (albeit flawed)
    Killstreaks attached to each Create-a-Class slot
    Scorestreak system as opposed to just kills
    Took out OMA, Danger Close which sadly ruined MW2

    There's more I'm sure but this is just straight off the top of my head so you're full of shit saying IW brought nothing new to the table. As for Blops 2 other than the Pick 10 system I don't see a whole lot of difference from Blops 1. Just my opinion though!


    Treyarch gun sounds are always poor campared to IW's although admittedly Blops 2 sounds much better than the toy guns from Blops 1! MW2 had the best sound by far!
  7. GenSpall

    GenSpall Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    While I certainly enjoyed MW3, I simply cannot get behind the idea that it is better than Black Ops II. I will certainly say it towered over MW2, I hated that hunk of ass. Other than that, MW3 was a pretty fun game, but I am enjoying Black Ops II so much more.
  8. DoS Encrypted

    DoS Encrypted Member

    Nov 11, 2012
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    I have never thought this about any other Call of Duty, but I agree that the previous games before Black Ops 2 sucked. I would even say that MW3 was better (despite hating MW3 because it was a bad rip of MW2). The spawns are horrid, the maps are bad, the shotguns are awful. I feel like every week there is a new class or weapon that is spammed to **** all and it becomes so aggravating. Just today it seems some memo was sent out telling everyone to snipe in their ******* spawns.

    Dec 18, 2012
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    Great reply, next time use ******* purple on black why don't you. I love highlighting text when you could just reply like everyone else does without us having to damn near fry our eyes to see what you wrote :)

    Dec 18, 2012
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    There are two distinct differences between the game pace of both of these games.

    BLOPS 2 is fast paced. SMG dominance couldn’t have been pronounced until I saw it with my own two eyes. And even the Treyarch Head said that this game is going to be faster paced than any other previous installment.

    Also, I’ve been spawn killed more than I can cardiacally (Horseinism there) endure. WTF!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! OFF THE SPAWN!? AW COME ON TREYARCH, Y’ALL GOTTA FIX THIS!”

    Revenge is best served cold off the spawn though when you get that revenge kill and they’re the one in the deathmic saying the exact same thing you said two kills ago.

    You also ran into this problem in any shooter that’s been out there for the past 20 years. Come on man, how many times did you get a proximity mine to the face playing Golden Eye on the four-way split screen on a 24 inch TV back in the day? I know I did damnit! (I still have my GE too! ROCK! When I lose my internet service due to a storm!)

    Yet I digress,

    You can do this about your ping, your port, your router, your internet connection, blah, blah, blah. Until these companies reinvest their profit into a dedicated server warehouse, all you can do is go online and bitch about it. Look, these guys…and gals, made their money off of us. They’re having strippers and hookers and holidays in places you will only see online and TV and if you’re super smart, you’ll actually read a book!

    ANYWAY…back onto subject…

    What this game has over MW is simple, and if they integrated facets of Ghost Recon (GUNS!!!!! GR HAS SO MANY GUNS TO CHOOSE FROM!!!!, melee kills (SO AWESOME! There are 5 count em 5 random melee kills aka ‘quiet kill’, flip and stomp, flip and buttstroke, break the next, soup bowl the brain, and finally the throat slash, the movement to cover (combat roll along with the diving prone aka dolphin dive), the ability to blind fire around corners (non-third person see Crye Associates MR-C with CrossCom site (ref. US Army Force XXI) , and the ‘Gunsmith/Firing Range’ (look it up, it’s pretty killer).

    In GR as well, you could just ‘lean’ around a corner to minimally expose yourself where in MW3 when you’re trying to lean around a corner, what happens? BOOM! Your shoulder’s exposed, the round hits you, you’re forced out of cover by game dynamics forcing your avatar’s body to react to the gunfire until you take it over and tell it where to go.

    Tell me this has not happened to you where you thought you were in a good ambush spot, or just taking a break from R&G or rushing and peeked out a corner and BOOM! WTF? Yeuppers, admit it. It’s happened.

    Having a command that will give you the lean and return to cover in a non-3rdP environment is awesome (Ref. Picture from GRAW 1 and 2)

    Proficiencies….Gotta give it to Treyarch on this one. They took all of those bullshit proficiencies and worked them into the weapon load out’s actual construct, or SOPMODDING as I call it. “SOPMODDING”-Setting up your weapon’s platform for the best possible play on the map.

    When your gun levels up, you unlock the follow ‘Perks’, Fast Mags (Sleight of Hand), Stock (Stalker), Laser Sight (Steady Aim), on Sniper Rifles you get the Ballistic CPU (Stability), Foregrip and GL (Kick), Long Barrel (Range), Quickdraw Grip (Quickdraw Pro), Target Finder (Marksman)

    So they got rid of that BS ‘Pro’ system that we had in other COD installments.

    The 10 Card System, Perks, Challenges, and Wildcards
    Same thing I really like this because if I don’t want to have a secondary and want to beast up my gun, I can do that.
    If I want to be a total doucher and just ‘Specialist’ it, I can with just a primary gun with NOTHING on it. (Which I’d never do, that’s for those 15 year olds with the sub 1.00 KDR.)

    Treyarch’s prestige system is great too. Why have to do all that bs over when you’ve already EARNED IT!?

    So overall, in terms of BALANCE it looks good on paper. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight up to the point where I played my first match and I was the only guy in the ******* lobby with an AR! I said, “You’ve gotta be shitting me man!?” I swear, my first match, I played TDM and all it was MSMC this and PDW-57 that. Sorry….I think I said it before where Vondaheer said that this installment was SMG dominant.

    There’s not one ounce of game balance period in this game.

    Their ultimate failure was this. The Scorestreaks.

    This is where IW/SH dominate. Have a class, great, you have Assault, Support (Which I still think should be ******* earned and not accumulative, die, **** you, start over!), and Specialist. Well do away with Specialist. I like games that have solid killstreaks and this Specialist BS turns someone into a Rambo. Which is complete and utter HS (I used it though to run up my perks though, for a couple times until I saw that I’d get my bonus. Then I’d get a few more perk kills and die.) I’m a killwhore, so I want to see as many dead bodies on the digital battlefield as possible!!!! GIVE ME THE ASSAULT BABY! DAMNIT! OFF TOPIC AGAIN!

    This Scorestreak systems blows monkey dick. I don’t want to have the same ****in SS every match. Depending on the map, I’m constantly changing them in the game lobby.

    And I do like the Escort Drone which I feel is FAR SUPERIOR to the AH6 Cheyenne Overwatch from MW3.
    Nice additions to the SS system was the Hellstorm, Warthog, and Swarm. The others, are pretty much just dolled-up versions of KS from previous legacy COD series games.

    Look at it like this, give me the game movement of MW and the 10 card system from Black Ops and the Gunsmith and Guns from Ghost Recon, and a Killstreak system that will give you NUMEROUS choices to choose from (see my blog on Killstreaks HERE) then this would be a great game.

    Since they don’t listen though, I could send this off to them and say “TRY IT LIKE THIS NEXT INSTALLMENT!” and they’ll simply tell me to “GFY”.

    What do you think folks?

    I think I just found the next installment for my next blog.
  11. Sir Suppa

    Sir Suppa New Member

    Jan 2, 2013
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    I whole heartily agree. I've never had too many complaints with the past titles, but BO:II is a steaming pile of shit.
  12. loversama

    loversama Member

    Jan 3, 2013
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    Agreed, and BO1 is better than MW3 and MW2 is better then BO and Call of Duty 4 is the best! :D
  13. eXtreme

    eXtreme Member

    Jan 6, 2013
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    well you're wrong
  14. Sir Suppa

    Sir Suppa New Member

    Jan 2, 2013
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    An opinion is neither right nor wrong. He feels MW3 is better BO:II and you feel the opposite. Both of you are right in your own minds.
  15. Dire RadZ

    Dire RadZ New Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    personally i have to disagree with you here.mw3 was just sitrep and camp with a laser ACR bo2 has better mechanics and is more fluid.:rofl:

    Dec 18, 2012
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    And you have to use these colors to make your point? I had to reply, just so I could read your post. Moron.

    I think your opinion of the game is utter dogshit.
    The only thing shitty about the maps were a select few in the original content and the season of content albeit four maps in my opinon were utter garbage. The creation of the 1v1-3v3 system was a moronic move and Lameaos mode was a total letdown when they could have centered on bringing in a gun DLC or better yet, legacy maps and guns. Which would have kept their hardcore fanbase around for replayability.

    You say the ACR, Type 95, and MP7 were overused? No, you're just bitching and moaning about the amount of deaths you incurred by said platform.

    I also think the Strike Package system was genius. Yet, it did have it's flaws, not enough to choose from. I wrote a blog on this and IMO that there should have been an integration of both gaming studios bringing in KS that I see in Black Ops 2. Minus that dumbass Attack Dog KS, what a waste.

    The lag you speak of, is because you don't understand that they don't put money back into their company by giving dedicated servers. That's why HALO is VERY popular again. No lag. Even with the PC version you still run into the worst of the worst hacks, lag, etc. But welcome to online gaming hero.

    When you make a point, especially with bullets, explain why. You make no point other than to bitch and cry about the game. Meaning, you're a sub 1.00 KDR. Of course you're not going to have fun if you're constantly in the negative.

    As for QSing, yes, this is the ONLY point I can agree with you on. Encouraging it? How? By allowing it? No. I'll tell you why I hate QSers. Because every time they run, they're garbage. Some out there, they'll only play the game QSing away and going -5 to x2 negative.

    I think you're referring to MW2. :facepalm:

    OMA was a great class. It was my 'retaliatory' class when I got hit with a random GL round. Then I was a one man atillery piece. We played on game on Scrapyward when it first came out that was the biggest OMA battle I'd ever been in. My nuke finished that mess.
  17. Dempsey_8Itch35

    Dempsey_8Itch35 New Member

    Oct 24, 2012
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    are u kidding me i played mw3 for about 2 days then i snapped the disc in half thats how much it sucked. survival is nothing compared to zombies the maps are all dull no color and the campaign was in my opinion garbage
  18. OmgItsMalikXD

    OmgItsMalikXD Member

    Nov 22, 2012
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    I don't think any maps will be better than the ones Black ops had.... but Mw3 maps were awful. The guns on Mw3 were also terrible.
  19. PSIII

    PSIII The Real West Don. (Super Moderator)
    Staff Member

    May 4, 2012
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    Because they did damage and actually killed a guy when you shot them.
  20. Ray gun guy 56

    May 7, 2012
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