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MW3- Spec-op

Discussion in 'Modern Warfare 3' started by MERCURYSB3, Jun 23, 2014.


    MERCURYSB3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    i know i am posting to no one but, why in the hell go into a spec-op game and then start shooting at your team mate.this is a team player challenge.last night was in game and my team mate is getting owned by the two helos ( level five) i have LMG so take down both helos and this guy gets pi$$ed.the final scores goes to both players.also to the dumb a$$ "cowboy" player , You can not take on all of the bots by yourself. you cause me to come out and try to revive you and i get taken out and lose game.You must also Stop running around when in and around the level 20's and up,the amoured bots are to damn tough to take on solo.i get at the first of the 7 or 8 waves to take on the bots it helps be a little better player in multi player games but this game spec-ops takes on its own challenges.there seems to be not that many players for Spec-ops but the few who for some reason stay in lobby rotation keep showing up and doing the same bullsh!t.i remember reading a while back that Spec-ops is where a lot of "no clue" players go to learn the basics of on line gaming and i get that but tell them to play the game right.:rant::rant::rant:
  2. Wartyger

    Wartyger Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    As long as there are online co-op modes in videogames, there will always be the idiots who want to ruin everyone else's fun. Or they just don't understand what co-op means and they never will.

    Co-op modes are always best played with friends though...

    MERCURYSB3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    thanks Wartyger,i know its an old game so teaming up with someone will be few and far between. the game at times can get a little boring for the first few waves but around the 20th wave the challenges can get intense.i think a gamer set a record 225 waves.knowing that the bots are computer controlled you still have to think and focus on the game.:tsk::tsk::tsk:
  4. nb7212

    nb7212 New Member

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Yeah I agree. No matter what game type, there is always gonna be "that guy" who doesn't care about the outcome of the game. He only cares about pissing everyone off and having a good hearty laugh at it. It can be funny at times, but when it happens all the time, it gets very annoying.
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  5. tf182

    tf182 New Member

    Sep 15, 2014
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    Well you will always run into those people on any type of online game. I don't get it either and I don't see what humor they find in it, but I guess you just have to deal with it sometimes. I wish these kinds of people wouldn't play these games either.

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