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My prediction was wrong... And that's good.

Discussion in 'Episode 412 - Still' started by wolffe, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. wolffe

    wolffe Member

    Nov 5, 2012
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    To boost ratings and likely to present something familiar to what they must consider barely intelligent cattle, most shows that focus on a single man and woman character in an episode like "Still" does sets up an extremely cliched and predictable love scene.

    I had heard that this episode was going to be Daryl - Beth all the way so I mentally prepared myself. Okay, young curious girl wanting booze, handsome rugged southern man starts getting drunk.

    I honestly rolled my eyes after they acquired the booze thinking "Alright they're probably going to kiss.. Or have sexual intercourse.."

    I was cringing hard everytime it was young Beth's turn to ask Daryl a question during the drinking game. I thought for sure she was going to start talking about her virginity, sex, kissing or something along those lines you'd expect a young girl to say.

    But nothing of the sort happened. Perhaps in beths eyes the desire was there but that was it. I am completely shocked they didn't hook up and I applaud the writers for thinking they didn't need such a cliched plot twist to keep viewers entertained.

    I am not saying the episode wasn't bad, because it was definitely weaker just being focused on two characters who relatively accomplished nothing of note but talk and deal with problems (like we've never seen that before in a TWD episode). Overall it surprised me by not doing the age old "Lets have a sex episode to get new viewers" crap.

    I'll leave off with this nice image taken from "Still"


    Ironically enough Tempus Fugit means "time flees"
    #1 wolffe, Mar 3, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2014
  2. SFA

    SFA Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    Why would that get new viewers?
  3. Caryl

    Caryl Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    Yeah that would turn a lot of people off. For many reasons.
  4. Porfivor Nixon

    Oct 28, 2013
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    Well, there is a reason you expected them to hook up, because most in this situation, WOULD. I mean, moonshine, a young girl who is of legal age wanting to try new things, I mean, c'mon, I kinda want to be given a reason why they DIDN'T HOOK UP. I mean, I'm a pretty moral person, but I have to admit, if I was drunk, this was a damn zombie apocolypse and most everyone I knew was dead, I had this pretty girl making eyes at me, and she seemed to be making the moves, I just don't think I could have resisted. I'd at the very least "cuddle." Maybe Daryl has herpes or something and doesn't want to give it to her- I mean, at least give me a reason why he would think twice about it. I don't see how he could feel paternal to her considering he didn't have that much to do with her. Honestly, in a ZA, he would be a good "Catch" for her. He's twice her age, but hell, if you are the last two left, what does it matter?

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