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My thoughts on The Grove

Discussion in 'Episode 414 - The Grove' started by TennentSpace, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. TennentSpace

    TennentSpace New Member

    Mar 18, 2014
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  2. Zvivor

    Zvivor Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    The Grove has turned out to be my favorite episode of Season 4, even though it was Rickless. Becuaw it is too mature adults -- quiet heroes -- Carol & Tyrese, saving children the rest of Team Prison turned their back on, trying to build a positive life and then being face with the totally unimaginably horrific act of Lizzie killing her sister. Sure they knew she was a whack-job relative to walkers, but how could anyone know she was so crazy she would stab her sister to death? Then, as if enough hell has not been delivered tothem, how do they deal with an insane child who just killed her sister and came close to killing a baby? How do they live with what they had to do. Then, I loved Tyrse's forgiving Carol.

    This was a DEEP, DEEP episode. It raised all the hard, hard questions TWD unflinchingly throws in our face. Raw; heartbreaking. It is almost the only one out of Season 4 I've cared to watch over again more than once. I thought the acting was as brilliantly delivered as the writing demanded. And, in retrospect, I am so glad Carol and Tyrese are not at Terminus yet. They deserve more respect than to be treated as box-car walker food for whatever sicko cult is going on there.

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