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Nazis at the Center of the Earth

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Morgotha, Jul 21, 2020.

  1. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    The title says it all. This is on Tubi or Amazon right now.

    So the first question you're probably asking is WHY one would watch something with a title like that, and what would one expect from it? Both good questions. As to the movie itself, it starts with an Antarctic research team where a couple of the researchers go missing while out taking a core sample, and the rest of the team heads out to find them, eventually coming upon an underground cavern that is like the Land of the Lost as far as warmth, vegation, etc. Pretty much the terrain is like Southern California scrubland an hour or so away from Hollywood, which is understandable.

    The movie has some of the worst CGI this side of Sharknado, but try not to let that disturb you too much. SPOILERS. If you have any intention of actually watching this movie PLEASE stop reading as the effect of the movie will be ruined if you know what's coming before you see it. That's the thing that surprised me about the movie. Yes, it's a bad b-movie, etc., but there were a couple of scenes of true horror in it. They have Dr. Mengele keeping people alive by cutting up people and transplanting their parts on to his WWII vintage soldiers who are still alive. To this end he peels someone's face off, and it's horrific.

    LOL, the other horror scene is where things go from highly improbable to extremely improbable, kind of like the car-off-the-bridge scene in the Blues Brothers. Mengele is trying to revive -who else- Hitler, and has one of the scientists of the antarctic team using stem cells from an adult brain to do it, which fails. This scientist is a traitor, and has bought in to the whole Nazi system, and when he finds out his lover is pregnant, straps her down, performs a vacuum abortion on her, and uses those stem cells to revive Hitler's head. I've seen a lot of gross things and horrible things in movies, but for sheer "horror", this has to be at the top of the list. The monstrosity of it. I wonder if the people who were making the movie really thought about what they were doing and were making a statement, or if it was just a bunch of adolescent-mentaility boys making a movie they thought would be gross and funny, but whether they meant to or not, I think they said something, and I didn't expect that.

    They are successful and revive Hitler whose head controls a big robot body with machineguns, flamethrowers, etc. They have a giant spaceship and plan on killing off all non-Aryans. They are defeated much in the way that Star Wars movie heroes win. A small group of people defeat an entire army that's always in the distance and never do anything, etc. The good guys do win in the end, obviously.

    Oh, one other thing that I actually liked in the movie was a scene where one of the heroes was grappling with a Nazi soldier and losing, and the soldier's forearm broke allowing the hero to get free and win. At first I was thinking "what b.s.", but then remembered Mengele earlier on was talking about the brittleness of the aged soldiers bones without replacement, etc. It therefore WAS a reasonable thing to happen, and a good foreshadowing.

    Overall, it's kind of like what you'd expect from the title, there is a memorable scene or two, and it is "free".
  2. Low_Speed

    Low_Speed Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    If you like that then you should try Iron Sky. It has beautiful women and Nazis in it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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