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Negan's Sanctuary People

Discussion in 'Ep. 716 - The First Day of the Rest of Your Life' started by Singtress, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. Singtress

    Singtress Active Member

    Apr 2, 2017
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    I especially noted in the "Eugene defects to the sanctuary" episode that "petite neck-barcode-tattoo chick" explains how he is "one of us" not "one of them" (as she points around to others in the Sanctuary "shopping" area).

    What defines "them" vs "us" in Negan's world?

    If Negan has appointed them so? Supervisor? Special skills?

    I am not clear on the Sanctuary hierarchy.
  2. Jama

    Jama Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Me neither. But my guess is that various people in that group received some type of choice or ultimatum at one point or another.

    Maybe if people decide to cooporate with the Saviors or with Negan on their first encounter, they get special status. So with the gal who calls Eugene "haircut" maybe she was captured and agreed to sell out her old group. Or maybe she just knew how to play the game from the start in order to be one of the "elite" Saviors.

    Whatever the case, knowing more backstory about the Saviors would be nice.
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  3. mistertrouble189

    mistertrouble189 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
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    There's two groups, the Saviors then the Workers who are referred to as numbers. Seems like they are the captured people or the people taken from communities. Not sure. They having numbers sort of demeans them. But we know they hate Negan lol, Dwight was talking about rounding them up for the fight in 7x16. I hope we learn more about them now that Eugene, Dr. Carson and Dwight have a chance to start something. I'm sure Frankie, Amber, and Tanya would join too. Mark maybe?
  4. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Yeah, the sense I get is that its a more complicated version of the Terminus ultimatum. When you arrive at Terminus, you ultimately end up with two options. You agree to eat the people who don't agree to eat people, OR you don't agree to eat people and then get eaten by the people who agree to eat the people who don't agree to eat people. :rolleyes:

    At the Sanctuary, you either agree to be "Negan", and do Negan's work, like rounding up other communities and terrorizing them, OR you become a 'number' [slave]. But even within the 'number' population, their seems to be a hierarchy. Some of them have REALLY shit jobs, like spending the entire day continually rearranging the zombie wall. Others have better luxuries, like working in the gardens, or whatever, and many of those people don't have to wear the letter shirts. So maybe if the slaves start to come around and say they are willing to be Negan, they can slowly work themselves up to prove themselves.

    So basically the numbers and the lower level workers are the people who didn't agree to be Negan. Dwight has hinted at such while talking to Daryl.

    We will probably see more details of how it works.
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