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  1. KiernansFaerie

    KiernansFaerie Active Member

    May 21, 2018
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    The whole point of the vultures was to get the supplies, etc. in the stadium, right?
    How does starting a fire and letting 1000's? of walkers loose on the stadium achieve that goal? Or was Ennis just pissed off and decided to end them?
    Why did they gather all of these walkers into confined areas in the first place? Mel didn't agree with this stadium plan, so it doesn't sound like something they normally do.
    Unless the child can explain it, I guess we'll never know?
    Then his casual attitude when confronted by Nick after the stadium fell. That makes no sense.
    Why didn't they pick off the vultures before they let the walkers loose? They knew what they were doing. They had the flags and the info from Mel. Why just stand there like idiots watching it unfold?
    Alicia and Nick just sitting there getting overrun. What were they thinking?! They knew the convoy was headed there. They should have held back. Maybe shoot out some of the convoy’s tires? Something. Anything. That was ludicrous. They shouldn't have been out there in the first place, though.
    And the gun fight. They act as if bullets are in endless supply. Why haven't they become better shots at this point? They could see their feet under the bus. Shoot there. Do something proactive.
    And Althea. Put down the damned camera. What is wrong with her? In a world like theirs, it's all about surviving today, not recording a handful of survivors stories for....what? Who is going to see them?
    John and Morgan and (I hope) Naomi are the "good guys" at this point for me, if such a thing exists in their world. Probably Althea too, for the most part. I want to like Alicia because I like the actress, but she consistently ticks me off.
    I've been enjoying most of this season, even with the separate timelines, but this episode was aggravating beyond belief.
    They have a lot of work to do in the mid season finale to make up for all of this confusion and stupid decision making.
    At this point I wouldn't mind if Alicia and Madison don't make it. Start over with the new...and better... characters introduced this season.

    Rant over.
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  2. NakedCity

    NakedCity Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
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    Exactly. That season was very good up til now, but they crapped the bed and it's messy. Let's hope they come up with an outstanding episode that will make us forget how dumb that one was.
    (and I agree for Madison, always hated her, but losing Alicia too would make the 3 first seasons feel very very useless, unless Strand becomes some very important character in TWD universe)
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  3. Stealth

    Stealth Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    That's the strangest part of this past episode, the rest of the season was compelling up to this point. Now when it's time to bring all the pieces together it looks like it's all coming apart.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. KiernansFaerie

    KiernansFaerie Active Member

    May 21, 2018
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    I can live with Strand being the only survivor of the originals. At least he's interesting and the progression of his character makes sense.
    I'd like Alicia to live, but they need to step up their writing in regards to her.
  5. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    I think yes, Ennis just wanted to destroy the stadium out of spite. He didn't like the idea of just leaving and wanted to destroy it. That's why Mel and him got into the argument because Mel just wanted to move on.

    We'll hopefully find all the answers on Sunday and I'm really hoping the payoff is worth the long wait.
    • Agree Agree x 3

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