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No Major Character Deaths!

Discussion in 'Episode 516 - Conquer' started by jackson04, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Zvivor

    Zvivor Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    They should have killed of Father Gabriel. He's a piece of work and an ungrateful, diisloyal jerk on top of it. Nobody made him go to Atlanta with the group or travel 500 miles to ASZ. He jeopardized everyone in ASZ with his pity party over what he did before they even met him and now he throws pious hellstones at others to cover up his own guilt. I appreciate Maggie's compassion, but this dude is not worthy of it. He's going to get people killed if he's not dealt with.

    I thought Reg was a major character death, in the sense that he is the one who could best direct reinforcing the walls and now he's dead. Deanna, the ASZ leader, is clearly devastated by the combination of Aiden's death and now Reg's.

    That said, I am very happy no one in Rick's group died, and I'm hoping like heck that Glenn wasn't bit.

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