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Poll: Are You Glad Glenn is Alive?

Discussion in 'Episode 607 - Heads Up' started by HurricaneKid, Nov 23, 2015.


Are you Glad Glenn is alive

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. target tony

    target tony Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    No it's complete bs that he survived, crawling under a dumpster what a load of crap. It would have been better if he shot Nick then pushed him into the herd, allowing him to escape.
  2. raccoon city

    raccoon city Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    lol that would have totally ruined his character. I hate that he escaped too, but I think him shooting Nick would have been worse because it would have gone completely against who he is. Rick (maybe?) might do something like that when it comes down to it, but not Glenn. He is too damn nice, and that's why people love him. I like him too, but cmon writers...there was like 50 zombies on his butt.

    I have to disagree with you there.
    #42 raccoon city, Nov 27, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
  3. TGO

    TGO Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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    On the contrary, it might have actually served to make Glenn more interesting and packed a bigger punch than what we were given. Either way, one of them had to die there and it would put Shane's execution of Otis into more perspective as well.. "You kill or you die" alongside the more recent "The only thing that keeps you from becoming a monster is killing".

    Glenn doesn't approve of murder, but he has made it clear that he would stop at nothing to protect his family. Him dying there would throw a wrench into that, especially since he supposedly knows about Maggie's pregnancy.

    How so? Do countless men on these forums alone not to mention the internet as a whole continually defend female cast members and the characters they play simply because of their infatuation? Or are you under the assumption that only women think with their genitals?
  4. raccoon city

    raccoon city Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    I don't think it would have made him more interesting because I don't think such a departure from his normal persona would have made sense. It would be jarring to see Glenn do something like that. This guy does love his family but he just isn't the type of guy that is going to do anything. Glenn brought Nick along side him after Nick tried to murder him. This is the type of guy that Glenn is. So for him to do a complete 180 and just murder Nick would just be stupid.

    I was disagreeing with you about women and men thinking alike. I think men and women think differently because of my own experiences with women. There have been scientific studies to back up that our brains work differently, but even if there wasn't I would still believe it. It's one of those things you just learn from living and observing. Men are from mars and women are from Venus. And I'm grateful for that.
  5. TGO

    TGO Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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    Glenn was quite clearly tempted to end Nicholas back in Conquer, he suggested assassinating the Governor in I Ain't A Judas and he went along with Rick, Abe, Maggie and Sasha knowing full well that they would kill the Hunters. While the situations differ, Glenn has quite knowingly accepted that he may have to kill one day to save his or his family's skin. However, if possible he would avoid it and would certainly avoid savageries. While it would be a drastic move to murder Nicholas, that situation had no way out other than what were given and what is being discussed.

    As for your experiences; you seem to be missing the point and I'm not sure if you even read that insipid, attention-whoring article, but all it truly does is imply that every individual is different and the ratio of it's "male traits" and it's "female traits" have no true pattern and can be completely inverted depending on the person. Which somewhat contradicts exactly what you've just stated, no?

    Men and women are more or less the same. Out of all parts of the human anatomy, the brain may just be the most similar. There is zero substantial evidence that a man or a woman think differently simply because of their gender.
    #45 TGO, Nov 27, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
  6. raccoon city

    raccoon city Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    But he didn't kill Nick. He made a conscious decision to save him. And you won't convince me that men and women don't think differently. I have seen too much evidence to the contrary. I see how they think differently every day of my life. But there is evidence to support my claim.

    Dr. Jahanshad and her UCLA collaborators conducted a 2011 brain-imaging study of healthy twins, including 147 women and 87 men, to trace connections in the brain. She discovered "significant" sex differences in areas of the brain's frontal lobe, which is associated with self-control, speech and decision-making.

    In the most comprehensive study so far, scientists led by biomedical analyst Ragini Verma at the University of Pennsylvania found the myriad connections between important parts of the brain developed differently in girls and boys as they grow, resulting in different patterns of brain connections among young women and young men

    The bottom line is this guy is a made up tv character. So really the writers could do anything they wanted with him. I think it would have been a bad idea on the writers part to have him kill Nick, and you clearly don't. That's fine, we have our opinions. It's been nice talking with you.
    #46 raccoon city, Nov 27, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
  7. TGO

    TGO Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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    It's hilarious that you've literally just pulled only the quotes that back your argument and seem to have miraculously forgotten the rest of the article, but I'll play along and do the same as you'll mostly likely otherwise assume I have 'no argument'.

    You seem to be seeing only what you wish to see in an attempt to back an indisputably ridiculous argument simply because I pointed out that most people (regardless of gender) are prone to doing the same thing when attracted to an actor playing a TV character.

    I'd also like to note that I couldn't read that second article as it required me to make an account and your silly little argument is honestly not worth enough of my time to warrant doing so.

    Moving back to topic, the point of this was that killing Nicholas would have been a far better and more believable writing decision than this ludicrous dumpster nonsense that we received and was stretched out over the space of a month for the sake of shock value. If Gimple only wishes to kill him off again this season, then he would have been better off dying with Nicholas.
    #47 TGO, Nov 27, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
  8. Cookiesmonster

    Cookiesmonster New Member

    Nov 29, 2015
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    After three weeks of hanging I stopped caring if Glenn died or not.

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