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Problem seeing this site--any ideas?

Discussion in 'Creative Art' started by Lindigo, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I used to be able to use Control Plus to make the font easier to read. Now if I get to the appropriate font size I also get scroll bars and I can't read without moving the stupid bar on the bottom.

    Did something change here that is beyond my control and I just need to deal with it, or did I do something that I can fix?

    A similar sort of question: On mapquest, if I use Control Plus, the street names momentarily get big enough to read easily and then the font shrinks back down to the tiny size and all I have is a big map that I still I can't read. WTF? Any solution for that?

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