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Q & A SPOILER for 306

Discussion in 'Episode 306 - Red Dirt' started by Sharpie61, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Fear TSDF
    Q&A: 306 - "Red Dirt"

    1. How does the episode begin? The episode opens with Jeremiah teaching Nick how to shoot, but Nick is visibly distracted because the search party hasn't returned yet. But, before they are done, the group finally arrives, and everyone runs to the gate to meet them. Troy doesn't want to freak everyone out and asks to speak to his Dad in private, but that idiot Mike can't keep his mouth shut. He shouts that it's Indians and they slaughtered all their friends.

    2. Does Madison find out anything about the ranch guys? Their past? She finds out a lot about Vernon Trimbol and his family. Vernon was one of the 4 "founding fathers" of the ranch, along with Jeremiah, Russ, and McCarthy, and Jeremiah and Vernon go back over 30 years. We also learn from Jake that McCarthy "was not a good man," and we are led to believe he may have gotten what he deserved. Oh, and it becomes abundantly clear that Jeremiah Otto is a complete racist with the tirade he goes on after he learns it's Walker who shot down the helicopter and killed his men.

    3. Is there a fight between some characters? What happens? There's a huge fight between Troy and Jake when the Trimbol family decides to leave the ranch because they don't think it's safe there anymore. Troy takes issue with the fact that they loaded up their RV with food and supplies from the ranch and blocks the gate, refusing to allow them to leave. Jake intervenes, and then, Troy starts throwing punches. Jeremiah ends up having to jump in and punch Troy to get him to stop.

    4. Is there any mention of Walker and his group? Yeah, we get the full history of Walker and the Otto family and the ranch. We learned in the last episode that Jake was an attorney before the apocalypse, and he actually knew Walker since he was a tribal lawyer. Walker had tried to sue the Otto's multiple times for rights to their land, but lost every single time. Also, someone sets close to 20 small fires around the perimeter of the ranch as a scare tactic, and it's assume it's Walker and his men.

    5. Anybody dies? If so, who? Yes, the entire Trimbol family. Vernon, his wife, Mike, and Gretchen.

    6. How is the relationship between Alicia and Jake? By the end of the episode, very strained. Troy wants to fight Walker, but because Jake had a relationship with him before it all happened, he wants to go find him and try to reason with him. Alicia calls it a suicide mission, but Jake leaves anyway.

    7. What happens between Jeremiah and Nick? Does he want to shoot him? No. Jeremiah doesn't know what to do and ends up falling back into his old habits. He gets completely drunk and ends up at Nick's house. There is a point where he grabs Nick's gun, which scares the crap out of Nick, but he only fires off shots at the floor.

    8. Does Madison have a new plan? What are the family going to do now? Madison's plan is what Jeremiah and Troy end up deciding. It seems obvious that Walker may have the numbers, but he doesn't have the fire power to attack the ranch. Otherwise, he would have already done it. So, they plan on staying put on the ranch (which means no one else leaving!), as opposed to outright launching an attack.

    9. Anything about Nick? Does he have a new plan about Luciana or his future? Not that we know of. The only time Luciana is even mentioned is when Troy asks about her. Nick responds by nearly tearing Troy's head off for even mentioning her name.

    10. How does the episode end? The episode ends with a great speech by Madison that ultimately convinces the people of the ranch to stay, instead of leaving out of fear. She is also very supportive of Troy and puts him in the likely position of inheriting the ranch (instead of Jake) once Jeremiah is gone.

    BONUS: Jeremiah, Nick and Madison ultimately figure out that Walker and his men aren't the ones who killed Vernon Trimbol and his family, even though everyone else thinks that. Troy is the one who did it and finally admits it to Madison at the end.

  2. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    There was a promo picture that was released before this season started. What do you think? - FTSDF

  3. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    BONUS 2: Out of the entire Trimbol family, Gretchen is the only one we get to see as a walker. They find her chowing down with some other walkers on one of the horses the family took with them when they left the ranch. Nick ends up having to put her down because Madison can't bring herself to do it.

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